Wednesday 12 January 2022

Practically Balmy Out There Today! (Jan.10, 2022)

 Today was weigh in day, it wasn't good!

I was 195 lbs.

That's up 3.6 lbs.
Not gonna lie, I'm feeling extremely disappointed in myself and a little defeated.
I was feeling a little like I can't do this, I've lost my mojo and I don't know how to get it back.

I tried not to wallow in it though.
I am not giving up on myself, I'm just going to keep trying, trying and trying.
I know I can succeed.

Jason went this morning and he did 22 k.
One of his goals is to do a half marathon at least once a month every month this year.

My sister texted me later a little worried because she misread his post and thought he'd gotten hit by a truck.

Freya came over to visit after he got back from his run.

Frozen balloons.

Jason had frozen a bunch of balloons full of colored water and she was so excited.

They weren't frozen all the way but she still enjoyed opening them and trying to guess what color was inside.

He made a slide for her in the front yard.
He wanted her to try it out but she just wanted to push the balloons down there at first.

Giving it a little kick, ha ha.

Telling me all about it - just being silly really.

He did convince her to go for an inaugural sleigh ride.
They went twice and she was done

It warmed up considerably today (-2 C) and it was sunny out too so I took advantage and headed out for an outdoor run.

It was quite hard because there was lots of slushy snow on the ground and I was quite timid - afraid I was going to fall.

Jason took this picture on his run and this is just an example of what the roads are looking like right now.

This is the highway which is better than the roads in town.
But I got 6k in and I was super proud of myself.

There were a lot of times on the run that I really wanted to stop and walk a bit but I would not let myself.

I pushed myself to finish out the run.
Even if it was slower the main thing for me is that I did it without stopping.

So my average pace and splits were high but again, I did it without stopping so I'm considering that a complete win!

My sister called and said that Mom is wanting to come home so I popped online to find what was available for flights and what the prices were like.

I got her a flight booked to come home on Feb.12 - prices were kind of expensive up until then.
So now we have a deadline of when we need to get the bathroom completed.
Sometimes that's good - gives that push that we might need to get it done.

Jason made a big skillet chocolate chip cookie as a treat for himself after his long run.

He added chocolate and it all melted and it smelled so good.
I couldn't resist and had a piece myself.
Just one and it was totally worth it.

Kody came over to pick up Freya and he stayed and had supper with us.
Freya wanted to spend the night and we were happy to have her since we didn't have her over the weekend.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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