Monday 24 January 2022

Chipping Ice (Jan.22, 2022)

 Since Jason tested positive for Covid and I'm not feeling that well, we figured it would be best for us just to stick to ourselves and to the house.

We have been anyway but looks like it will be for a few more days now.

We are running low on cat food and Morgan and Tanner were heading to the city so she said they'd pick some up for us.

They went out for supper and posted this great picture of themselves.
I love it.

It was quite nice out today so Jason and I spend pretty much the whole day chipping ice off the driveway.
We had it looking really good by the end of the day.

We had a small section at the back of the driveway that we didn't get too but it is supposed to be nice again tomorrow so we'll get out there again tomorrow and work on that.

Even thought I had plenty of steps from working on the driveway today I still needed to run my 1 mile so I went down and got that out of the way.

Did it in 14.03 today.

Kody called and seems Freya has come down with something too.
They were notified that one of the little ones in her class tested positive so there is a good chance that she might have covid too.

Jason and I watched a couple more episodes of Ghosts tonight.

I was starting to feel unwell so I had a Neo Citron and it knocked me right out.
I guess it could have been all the physical work too.
Either way, by 9 pm I just couldn't keep my eyes open so I headed to bed and was out like a light!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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