Monday 10 January 2022

Christmas is Packed Away for another Year (Jan.9, 2022)

 It was my usual weekend routine this morning, made a coffee, watched an episode of Sister Wives then I got busy putting the rest of the Christmas decorations away.

I stopped to have some breakfast.

Hanging out in one of the storage containers before I packed it up.

Then even though it was cold out, it wasn't windy so Jason and I went for a walk to the store.
We both forgot to bring money, ha ha.
So we just turned around and walked right back home.
We got a walk in at least.

It took me pretty much all day to pack everything up and haul it all down to the basement but I'm happy to report that I got it done.

I do have a couple things that I need to pack still but I need to pick up another container.
For now, they are in the downstairs spare room.

I went down and got my 1 mile done, took me 14.38 today.

I got quite a few steps in today running up and down the stairs putting Christmas decorations away but still needed a few more to get my 13,000 steps in so I got that done.

Done for another day!

Yup - I've done this!

While I packed up the Christmas stuff, Jason shoveled the driveway and then worked on making a slide in the front yard for Freya.
It was too dark to take a picture of it but I'll get one tomorrow.
He always comes up with such great ideas.

I had the munchies while we were sitting around watching tv tonight and I kept eating and eating.
So I'm sure my weigh in tomorrow won't be good.
Why, why, why do I do this to myself?

Back at it tomorrow no matter what!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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