Thursday 20 January 2022

Possible Covid and Hawkeye Marathon (Jan.19, 2022)

 I had a big meeting at 9:30 this morning that I was hosting with all the administrators and around 9:10, I got booted out of Citrix and could not get back in.

Bonnie was working from home so I called to see if she had been booted out too and she was.

So I checked with Blair who was working down at the office and he said it was working there so I scrambled to get down there.

It was super cold out so I had to warm up the car and scrape it off then when I got to the office, it took me almost 15 minutes to get logged in.

Needless to say I was late for my meeting but luckily I had been able to contact my counterpart and she was able to send out a new meeting link and get the meeting started without me so everyone wasn't waiting for me and it all went smoothly after that.

I stayed and worked from the office for the rest of the morning and had a meeting through lunch hour.

I've been having lunch time meetings lately and I don't like them!

I really like to get out and do my run or walk or shoveling on my lunch hour and when I have a meeting, it really messes up my schedule.

After the lunch meeting, I went home to grab something to eat, I was starving!

I was able to log back into the computer at home so just worked from there for the rest of the afternoon.

Jason and I were supposed to go to Whitecourt this afternoon but he wasn't feeling the best.

A couple of guys that work with him tested positive for Covid so there is a good chance that he might have it too so it's probably best to not go out and about just in case.

Kody texted and Freya wanted to come over but we didn't think that was a good idea.

We really wanted her to come over and we miss her so much.

Jason looks so forward to his days off just so he can spend time with her so he was so disappointed but we would feel just terrible if she got sick.

So we'll have to wait until Jason feels better before we have her over, hopefully it won't be too long.

After work, I went down and got my 1 mile run done.
Did it in 14.38.

I stayed on a bit longer so I could get the rest of my 13,000 steps in.

Sweaty selfie.
Felt good to have it done.

Ha ha ha!

After I finished working out, Jason and I watched the second episode of Hawkeye.
It was so good that we decided to watch another and another until finally, we watched the whole thing.
It was really entertaining - I think my favorite of all the marvel series like this except for Wanda Vision.

It was pretty late when we finished up so I was late to bed which will suck in the morning when it's time to get up.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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