Thursday 27 January 2022

Part of the Spider Verse (Jan.26, 2022)

Jason was back to work today so it was just me, myself and I at home today.
Oh, and Professor Snuggles and Paddington.

Mom sent me pictures from Jen's place in NS today.

Wow -looks like a gorgeous spring day, those lucky ducks!

So I went outside to take pictures to send back to her of what things look like over here today.

Yup, looks like I'll be shoveling again today.

I gave the kitties a treat and I noticed Professor Snuggles had a big gash on the back of his neck.

I thought maybe him and Paddington had been scrapping but I don't see a scratch anywhere.

It looks more like a scrape that got the fur and a layer of his skin.
The blood was fresh so it must have just happened but I have no idea where.

He didn't seem to be in pain or anything but he didn't want me touching it.

Haylee posted some super cute pictures of Freya on SnapChat.

Aww, I miss her so much.

I worked right through lunch again - I am working on calculating safety points and I've been at it for days.
I'm really hoping I can get it finished up today.

I did go out this afternoon to do some more shoveling.
I am so over it!
But I'm anal about keeping the driveway and walkway clear too so I just keep going out there.
I guess the silver lining is that it's really great exercise.

I planned on working late just to get it done but then Kody called right around 4 and said they were kind of strapped for a sitter.

Since Freya and I both have Covid, I figured it wouldn't hurt for us to be around one another so I went over and picked her up.

It was so nice to see her and I was able to give her the Spider-Man suit we'd picked up for her.

Friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man.

Selfie with Spider-Man.

She just loved it.
We called Jason to video chat with him for a bit so he could see it on her.

She had all the best Spider poses.

She has Spider-tude!

Me and my spider girl.
Taking a little break from being a super-hero to have a bubba.

When Kody came to pick her up, she tried on the other costume we'd gotten her, the Spider-Gwen one.
It looks so adorable on her!

Spider-Gwen rearranging the furniture.

It was so nice to see her, it's been almost a week.

She seems perfectly fine, not sick at all which is good.

She wanted to spend the night but Jason and I are both working tomorrow, so I promised her that she could stay the night this weekend.

Mom saw this bear at Walmart and she wanted it so Jen sent me a picture and asked me to pick it up here for her.
Now to just remind myself to look for it next time I go to the store.

I almost forgot about getting my 1 mile run in - I had gotten all my steps in for the day so I kind of felt like I was done.

When Jason got home, we went down to look for a spot where Professor Snuggles may have hurt himself (we didn't find anything) and when I saw the treadmill, it reminded me.

So glad - I might have forgotten and I would have been so bummed if I missed a day just for such a silly reason.

I pushed myself and got it done in 14.02.

Sweaty selfie.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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