Wednesday 5 January 2022

Workout with Freya (Jan.4, 2022)

 It was a cold day out there again today, brrr.

I made myself a nice healthy breakfast - very filling and low in points.

I went out at lunch time to do my usual activity as of late - shovel, shovel, shovel.
At least it wasn't snowing the whole time I was out there so maybe I'll get a break and it might stay clear for more than a day.

It was super cold out there - I was frozen when I came back in so I had to have a quick shower to warm up.

I was working away and suddenly I got booted out and could not get back in.
Shennelle was working down at the office and said she was working in Citrix with no issues so I warmed up my car and headed down there.
By the time I got there, the computers had gone down there too and it didn't look like they were coming back so I just headed back home.

I picked up Freya on my way because Haylee and Kody both had to work.
We wanted to keep her for the night anyway.

This played on the radio on the way - I really like this song, need to add it to my Spotify playlist when I get home.

Freya and I played around on Snapchat a bit.
I still don't really understand it but I also haven't spend that much time trying to figure out what it does.

I was trying to blog and she was 'helping' me!

She wasn't much help but I didn't mind, I just love having her here, it's been a few days since she was here so I missed her.

Making silly faces.

Being spooky.

Between shoveling and running around the house cleaning up and stuff, I didn't really need that many more steps to reach my daily goal but I did need to get my 1 mile run in so as soon as Jason got hom, I ran downstairs and hopped on the treadmill.

Got it done in 13.11 today.
I only did 2 minutes of a warm up and then I bumped up by .2 each time.

Freya and Jason came down just as I was doing my cool down and she wanted to workout too.

She got out the weights too.

Just hitting it hard!

So hard she needed a rest in the spare room downstairs.
(Not really, she's just pretending)

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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