Thursday 6 January 2022

Still Cold (Jan.5, 2022)

 Freya woke up the same time as I did to go to work so Papa had to get up to so he could hang out with her.

I worked and they played and then by the time I finished work she was tuckered right out and crashed for a pretty good nap.

So Jason got a workout in and I got to snuggle with her.

She still loves watching her YouTube videos and recently has taken to having to have the volume at full blast while she watches them.
So we've been trying to convince her to wear headphones and normally she won't but tonight she commandeered Jason's.

Kody worked late and he has to work early in the morning again and Haylee was working so we had her stay over again.
Kody did come visit for a while when he got home and had supper with us.

I worked on undecorating - I got the tree taken down and put out.
There were lots of needles to clean up but not as bad as it's been other years.

I also got a few containers filled up and hauled back downstairs.
Little by little, it's getting done!

I got my 1 mile done in 14.02 minutes.

I then continued on and got 5k done.
I did a run 1 minute, walk 1 minute work out.

I got a pretty good sweat on and it felt good.
I am so worried that I'm going have to have a hard time when I go back outdoors running again, that I'm going to lose the progress I've made and I really don't want that to happen.

As soon as this freezing cold weather breaks, I'm going to get an outdoors run in but for now, I'm grateful that I have my treadmill.

This has what the weather has like the past couple weeks - this was a forecast so not exact, I think it's actually been colder.
Looks like we might actually reach 0 on Tuesday and if we do, this chick is heading out for a run.


That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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