Wednesday 26 January 2022

Weigh In Disappointment (Jan.24, 2022)

Monday means weigh in day.

I figured it was going to be bad and it was. 

I weighed in at 196.8

That's up 5.6 lbs since last week.
I did eat ice cream and lots of bread items on the weekend so I knew I was going to be up.
It's disappointing but tomorrow is a new day!
I'm not giving up.

We got more snow - is it ever going to end?
I worked through lunch but then I went out for an hour in the afternoon to do some more shoveling.

Kody called to say that he, Freya and Haylee all took Covid tests today and both he and Freya came back positive.
Haylee was negative.
Jason was feeling better today and he finished his 5 day quarantine today so he went and picked them up some soup and treats and medicine and dropped it off to them.

He fired up the pizza oven and made us pizzas for supper.
Just cheese and they were super good.

He took a few of those down to Kody's for them to have for supper.
Then when he got home, he & I went out for a walk.
It was a nice and mild out so a good night for a walk.

I still needed to run my 1 mile though so when we got home, I went down and popped on the treadmill.
Did it in 15.14 today.

I feel like I'm getting sick but it's not super bad or anything.

It's kind of weird - like a cold but not the worst one I've ever had.
Bit of a pathetic cough, bit of a runny nose, a headache and kind of tired.

Could be so much worse and it is the first time I've been sick since Feb.2020 so I can't really complain.

I don't have loads of energy so I didn't run very fast but I got it done and that's the main thing.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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