Monday 3 January 2022

New Year - New Goals (Jan.1, 2022)

 It's the first day of a new year.

I love a fresh start whether it's a new day or a new week or a new month but there is just something extra special about a new year.

Here's hoping that this is the year that Covid goes away (as much as it can anyway).

Even though it isn't my regular weigh in day, I wanted to see where I was starting for the year so I weighed in this morning.

196.8 lbs

I can't believe how close I am to 200 but starting today, I'm tracking again and eating properly and I am never going to let myself see 200 lbs again.

Only way to go from here is down!

I was 202.6 lbs on Jan.1, 2021 so I haven't made a whole lot of weight loss progress in 2021 but that's going to change this year.
I feel a renewed energy and desire to really get to my goal and this is the year I'm going to do it.

My little miss spent the night with me - she's wearing her new rainbow jammies we got her for Christmas.

We did lots of snuggling this morning.

There is nobody that I would rather spend my first day of the year with (or any other day for that matter).

Kody came over and visited a bit before he took her home.

After he left, I went out and shoveled the driveway.
I wish it would just stop snowing already.

I spent the afternoon coming up with some goals for 2022.

I added them to the back of  my 50x50 book which I am still working on but these are just some extra things I want to try to do this year.

I left some space between each of them so I could add some updates or comments when I get the items done.

Some of them are similar to my 50x50 goals but it's just extra incentive in my eyes to get them done.

I feel like they are all doable and I'll check back here and there as I get them done.

I had a space for some extra stuff as I think of it, I'll just add them here.

These are the goals I had for myself for 2021.
Thought I would be interesting to look back and see which ones I accomplished.

First off, I did get in 12,000+ steps in EVERY SINGLE DAY and I'm super proud of that.
I almost missed a couple times just not paying attention but at the last minute either remembered or was reminded by Jason in time to get in the steps I needed.

I took lots of selfies but not every single day - this year, I think I'll just try to take them weekly or monthly, just so I have some comparison photos but I don't think every day is necessary.

I didn't reach my goal weight but I am done a bit from where I started last year and that is a win.
Just keeping the weight off and still being in a place where I'm working toward the goal and haven't slid back into old routines feels like progress to me.

I did pay off more debt, I'm not sure how much though because I don't know where I was at the beginning of 2021.

It's gone down though and not up so I'm headed in the right direction and I'm really going to focus on it again this year.

I didn't get any of the projects I had listed completed, not even one.
I'm kind of disappointed in that but there is always this year.

I'd still like to do all of those projects and now the basement bathroom has been added to the list.
Hopefully this is the year for getting these accomplished.

I decided that one of my goals for this year was to run at least 1 mile every single day.
I think it's doable.
I am going to try to take a picture at the 1 mile mark too everyday so I can see my progress by the end of the year.
I'm starting of at 14.49 minutes to run a mile, we'll see what I can get that down to.

Then I just kept running because I also had to get all my steps in, I've also bumped up my daily step goal from 12,000 to 13,000.

I got it done!

Back to following WW and eating well so I had frozen veggies, salad and shrimp for supper.
Barely any points at all!

I'll need to get to Costco and load back up on Boom Chicka Pop - my go to snack.

I had a bath after my workout and was just kind of looking at memes and these are a few that I liked that I figured I would share.

Great idea!

I'm a total believer that having gratitude and a great attitude are so important to being happy and successful in life.


Well that's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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