Tuesday 4 January 2022

Last Day of Christmas Vacation (Jan.3, 2022)

 Monday so that means weigh in day.

I was 191.4 lbs so that's down about 5 lbs since Saturday which isn't too shabby.
I've been following WW very closely since Saturday and tracking all my points - so far, it's going pretty good.

I'm only 2 lbs down since my last 'official' weigh in but still, feels good to be making progress again.

I watched some more Heartland this morning.

Then I made myself a delicious, healthy, low in points breakfast.

It snowed some more - I don't think it's ever stopped actually so I went out this afternoon and did some more shoveling.
Then once I finished that, I figured I'd go down and get my running done on the treadmill.

14.10 to run 1 mile today!

It's been awhile since I've been running and so I wanted to get a 5k run in today.
I sure hope it will just come right back to me once I'm able to run outside again because this 5k felt hard.

It felt good to get it done though.

Haylee posted a cute video of Freya dancing to 'I'm a Barbie Girl'.
It was so cute.
I love the little bodysuit she's wearing.
I couldn't save the video so I just took a screen shot.

Overall it was a pretty chill day.
I did laundry and I started putting a few Christmas things away.

I'll likely work on that over the week a little bit at a time and it should be all done by next week.
I'm sad to see it go - I just love sitting here with the Christmas lights on and just seeing all the decorations that I love but it's time.

It's back to work tomorrow - we are still working from home so I'll still just be here.
It kind of sounds like Covid cases are going through the roof right now with the Omicron variant so who knows when we'll get back to the office?

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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