Monday 24 January 2022

Covid Has Arrived on our Home Front (Jan.21, 2022)

 A dear old friend of mine, Cathy Carter, from NFLD, called me for a video chat this morning.

We had a nice chat and catch up and I really enjoyed it.

I'm not normally a big phone chatter but it was nice and I think I'm going to try to make a point of calling some of my old friends and family every now and then.

Jason was still not feeling well today.

I went to the pharmacy to see if I could buy a rapid test for him, turns out you can get them for free.

They come in packs of five and they are free courtesy of the government.

Who knew?

Jason took one as soon as I got home and it said to wait 15 minutes for the results but he came up positive almost right away.

I was going to head to Whitecourt for a trip but it was grey and snowing and blustery so I drove to the corner of the highway, changed my mind and came right back home.

I went down to the treadmill to get my 1 mile in - did it in 14.44 today.

Decided to stay on a bit longer to get the rest of my steps completed for the day.

Felt good to get it done.

I was looking for some new shoes online.
I found a running channel on YouTube and these Nike Pegasus 37 were on their list of good shoes.

I currently have the Nike Flex sneakers and I just love them.
I found these pink ones online and I would have ordered them but the site wasn't working or something.

Probably just as well, next time we go to the city I'll do some looking around.

I'm thinking I might need to by a new pair that is more suited for long distances as I'm planning on seriously starting my marathon training in February.

Ha ha - he looks pissed!

Jason and I had a quiet evening just watching some tv, we started the BBC version of Ghosts - it's really good.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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