Monday 10 January 2022

Dinner and a Movie - Say What? (Jan.7, 2022)

 Just another normal day at the 'office' in my spare room.

Jason and I are heading into the city this afternoon so I made sure to hop on the treadmill early today to get my 1 mile in.

I felt like I didn't have any gas in the tank so I just ran at a 4.0.
Took me a bit longer to run the 1 mile, 15.28 minutes but I got it done so that's what counts.

I thought I'd continue on and get a good work out in but I ended up getting a phone call I had to take so had to cut it short.

I finished up work a bit early and Jason and I headed to the city for the night.
It's been awhile since we did something like this and I was excited.

It was super cold today - we had a hard time keeping all the windows in the car from getting frosted up.
Would not have been a good day to break down, that's for sure.

We did some shopping then went out for supper.

Jason had read about a new pizza place in St Albert called Mash so we looked it up, found directions and headed there.

Waiting for our food.
The whole front of the restaurant is windows which will be nice in the summer but it was pretty chilly in there tonight with the -30 temperatures out there.

I was wishing that I had a blanket!

One of Jason's goals this year is to not eat meat for one week each month so he ordered the mushroom pizza.
It had mushrooms, truffle oil and balsamic vinegar drizzle.

I had the dill pickle pizza which had cheese, bacon and dill pickles.
It was pretty good, I kind of felt like it needed something else.
The dough was delicious.

I could smell their dough as soon as we walked in and it was divine.
So I just had to order their bread braid appetizer which came with marinara sauce.
I wasn't crazy about their marinara but the bread was fantastic - I could have just eaten that alone and I would have been happy.

Then we went and did something that we haven't done in almost over two years (since before this whole pandemic started), we went to a movie in the theater.

Spider-Man:  No Way Home.

We were both really excited.
We went to Landmark and they have the nice reclining seats plus there are dividers between every two seats so it felt very private.

I ate most of a medium popcorn and almost a whole bag of Nibs - I didn't track it but safe to say I went way over on my points today.

From there we headed to our hotel room.
It was just too cold out there to do anything else!

I still needed a couple thousand steps so after we checked in, Jason walked around the hotel with me.
We just did laps around the 4 floors and until I got enough to get me to my goal.

I saw this on Facebook today and it literally made me laugh out loud.

Getting their first storm of the winter back East - Storm chips are a real thing there.

Preach it!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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