Monday 3 January 2022

Enough With The Snow Already! (Jan.2, 2022)

I slept in a bit this morning then when I got up, I got caught up on some episodes of Heartland.

I'm a whole season behind and I was kind of dreading watching it because I had a feeling they were going to be killing off a main character which kind of made me sad so I was kind of avoiding it.

My feeling was correct but it is what it is.

I mean it is just a show after all, the characters aren't real people and I still love the show.

It felt like catching up with old friends.

I had a healthy breakfast, eggs, oranges and berries.
Eggs are 0 points for me on the new plan so this whole breakfast was 0 points.

Jason cooked up lasagna for lunch at work today.
It looks pretty darn good.

We got more snow so guess what I did for an hour today.

Got the walkway done.

The sidewalk.

The driveway.

The pile beside the driveway is getting pretty high, it's getting hard to throw the snow up and over it.

After I got the driveway cleared, I went down to the store to get some fruit and veggies.
I wanted to get chicken breast too but they didn't have any so I went down to Subway and picked myself up a sub for supper.

I ate half of it when I got home and saved the other half for later.

I hopped on the treadmill - took 14.37 to do 1 mile today.

I did 43 minutes, 2.703 miles all together in order to get to my 13,000 step goal.

I just signed up for Snap Chat on New Years Eve and I haven't quite figured it out yet so I was playing around on it a bit today.
Got the filters figured out.

My Disney Princess look - wow, I have a skinny neck!
Freya is really going to like playing with this next time she is over.

Haylee did add me as a friend then she posted this cute as a button picture of Freya.

I was pretty chilled from spending so much time out shoveling today so I decided to warm up in a nice hot bath and started a new book that I got for Christmas from my brother.

Angels Fall
I'm really liking it so far.

Jason, looking too cool for school!
I love how Paddington is sitting there with him.
He is working on a goals book himself and one of his goals is to read more so we spent the evening reading.

In usual obsessive form, I was enjoying the book so much that I just couldn't put it down and ended up staying up until I finished it at 2:30 am.

Good thing I can sleep in tomorrow if I need to!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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