Tuesday 18 January 2022

Work Buddy and Work Out Buddy (Jan.17, 2022)

Monday morning means weigh in.

I was down, I would have liked to be down more but down is down.
I'll feel better once I get back into the 180's, like I'm finally making progress and going the right way again.

But it's a total of 3.8 lbs down for the week so not too shabby.

I had a buddy while I was working this afternoon.

He was giving me his version of kisses.
Which means he was licking me with his scratchy tongue which actually kind of hurts after a bit.

But I was happy to get the love.

After work, I made a sign for one of the wreaths.
I just free handed it so I wasn't sure how it was going to look but I'm happy with it.

Then I found this tin heart that I picked up at Dollar Tree and used it on this wreath.
I considered doing something to it but ultimately decided to just leave it as is.

It was storming and blowing like crazy outside today.

I went out for a bit to try to shovel even though it was still snowing thinking that it would just make it easier later but it was nuts out there so I just gave up.

It's going to be a big job tomorrow but I'll deal with that tomorrow.

I went down and hopped on the treadmill.
Took me 14.37 to run 1 mile today.

I continued on and got 3.2 miles or 5k in.

Worked up a good sweat.

Had a little visitor at the end.
She wanted to come over for a visit so Kody brought her.

She wanted to have a bath so of course I let her and convinced her to let me wash her hair and brush it which is always a win.

When Jason got home, she wanted to play Spiderman again.
She just took this liking to Spiderman for some reason so I ordered her a Spiderman costume the other day.
I can't wait until it comes in and I can surprise her with it.

She really wanted to spend the night but I have four meetings tomorrow morning for work and Jason is working so I couldn't let her.

I always feel bad telling her no and she was a bit upset at first but she got over it pretty quickly which made me feel better.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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