Monday 17 January 2022

Spider-Baby! (Jan.14, 2022)

It's Friday or should I say Fri-Yay!

My favorite day of the week!

Made myself a yummy breakfast.
It was a busy day, I ended up working through most of my lunch, but it was nice out so I wanted to make sure I got out for a run.

I ended up getting an 8k run in and it felt good.

The exercise details.

I felt pretty good about my average pace and splits today.

I've been slacking on the selfies lately so I thought I'd take a few sweaty ones today.
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.

I got Freya these cute little boots on the weekend when we were in the city.
She loves anything rainbow and girlie.

I went to work down at the office for the rest of the afternoon after my run .
Then I went and picked Freya up to take to my place because Kody and Haylee both had to work.

She is just going to spend the night.
We called Jason for a video chat and played around with some of the filters.
Jason with a beard.

Looking through the peephole.

Same filter but different perspective.
Guess it shows how much difference perspective can make.

When Jason got home, she was thinking up all kinds of games for us to play.

She really likes Spiderman.

This game was Spiderman, Cookie Monster and a little girl!
She knows what she wants, that's for sure.

Go Spider Baby, Go!

She was having a great time, running around being a Super hero.

Finally, she was tuckered out!

I got to cuddle with her a bit too, we did some playing around on Snapchat with filters.
Then somehow, she sent this to all my Snapchat friends, ha ha.
Luckily, I don't have that many.

I made a big pot of chili filled with lots of veggies for supper.
It was really good.

I did something today that I've been wanting to for a long time now, I organized the closet in the bathroom.
I was to the point where I was trying to shove things in or throw things in hoping they would stay.
I think it looks pretty good.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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