Monday 24 January 2022

Running Inspiration (Jan.20, 2022)

 Jason still isn't feeling any better so looks like we won't be able to have Freya over again today.

Haylee posted a picture of her with Louie and it was so nice to see - it's only been a couple of days but I miss her so much already.
She looks so grown up!

I had another day full of meetings and one over lunch again today.
It has just been a crazy week for meetings, it's hard to get anything else done.

I had picked up subs last night for Jason and I for supper and I only ate half of mine so I had the other half today in between meetings for breakfast.

The rest of my day was just really busy.
I was so ready by 4:30 to call it a day.

I was thinking of heading outside for a run because the temperature was quite mild but it was snowing and windy so I decided I'd hop on the treadmill instead.

I went to the store first to pick up some frozen pizzas for supper - I really just wanted to get out of the house too.

I had A LOT of steps to get so my plan was to run my 1 mile then just walk the rest.

But I started watching Courage to Run with Chip Gaines and it was really inspiring.
It gave me the inspiration to keep going.

I ended up doing 5k mainly at a pace of 5.0 which I was super proud of.

Super sweaty selfie.

Jason had cooked up the pizzas while I was on the treadmill so they were ready to eat when I finished.

He and I started watching The Eternals.
It was just ok - kind of hard to get into.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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