Tuesday 1 February 2022

Dressing Up and Science Experiments (Jan.29, 2022)

 When I got up this morning, I made myself a coffee and found myself a movie to watch.

I settled on Yesterday which I've been wanting to watch for some time now and I really quite liked it.
It was a feel good movie with some good tunes.

Afterwards I got busy and made a valentine wreath.
I think I'm going to keep this one for myself.

I was going to use this in the center but it was just too big - I'll have to settle on something else.

While I was working on the wreath, this other show started on Netflix.

The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window.

I couldn't see it but I could hear the first few episodes and it sucked me right in.
I did sit down and watch a couple episodes.

It was a thriller/drama but they would say things that were so cheesy - it was kind of weird.

When Jason got home later in the day, I ended up watching the rest of it.
I thought it was really good.

I discovered later that it was actually a parody - no wonder there was all the cheesiness.
I guess I should have been able to figure that out from just the title alone.
 I thought something was off but I still really enjoyed it.

I had planned on going out for a run but Kody and Freya ended up stopping by for a visit.

The very first thing she wanted to do was put on her Spider-Gwen costume.
She just loves those Spidey costumes we got her.

She has very definite ideas about how she wants to play and what she wants you to say and if you don't follow her instructions (which can be hard to understand honestly) she loses her patience.
She cracks me up!

Since I wasn't going to get out for a run and it was kind of nice out, we got our gear on and headed out for a walk to the store so she could get a cookie.

She loves to stop and make faces at herself in these mirrored windows.

She kept making different faces and wanted me to take pictures of each one.

Freya and Grandma out for a walk.

It was pretty icy out there, I wore Jason's cleats on my shoes and they helped a lot.

Making more faces, this one was just for Grandma.

I did get a cute one finally - she won't normally stand still long enough for me to take one.
It was right after this that she got tired and I ended up having to carry her the rest of the way home.
Tough but good exercise I guess.

When we got back to the house, Kody took me down to Subway and we picked up subs for supper for he and I and Jason.
Freya had potato bites and soup.

I guess all the fresh air did make her tired, right after supper she crashed.
Probably means I'm in for a late night but that's ok.

I just sat and held her for a bit like this but then I figured that I better get my run in before while I could.

Took me 16.08 to run 1 mile today.
I've had a headache all day and it was getting really bad this evening.

I stayed on longer to finish getting my steps in.

I was glad when I was done.

Freya woke up just before Jason got home and he entertained her all evening thankfully because my head was just splitting.

She loved doing the science experiment with the Coca Cola and the Mentos so we thought we'd try another with her.
She kept wanting to do it over and over.

Of course when it was bedtime she was wired but we convinced her to go to bed anyway and it took awhile for her to fall asleep but she did eventually.

This made me giggle - teenagers eh?

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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