Wednesday 16 February 2022

Vegas is Booked! (Feb.9, 2022)

Jason was back to work today so it felt quiet and a bit lonely today. 

I did a thing by myself today, I got this shelf moved from one wall to the other wall and I'm so proud of myself!

All the stuff I had moved over to the kitchen has been slowly making its way back into the craft room.

I was hoping to get my new table/work station built first but Jason had to use the plywood we had bought for the bathroom so I'll have to wait until we get another piece.

Not sure when that will be since we need to take the truck but hopefully not too long.

I went out and spent my lunch time doing what else?
I've had more than my share of snow this year, I'm soooo over it.

After work I went down and hopped in the treadmill to get my 1 mile in.

I stayed on a bit longer just to get my 13,000 steps in.
Then I went and ran myself a nice hot bath.

I felt like my body needed it after all that shoveling today.

Jason and I decided we are going to go ahead and book our trip to Las Vegas at the end of March so I texted Bonnie and Nadine to see if they were still planning on coming.
Bonnie called me right away, she and Nadine were actually together when I texted and they both plan on going still.
Nadine is just waiting on a new passport.
They asked what we should do while we were there and I sent them this clip of Travel Ruby.
We've been watching her lately and she does really good videos mainly of Vegas.

She went to this Mayfair Supper Club which looks like it might be fun - maybe we could check it out while we are there.

When Jason got home, we did go ahead and book a trip for the end of March and I'm so excited!

Haylee posted this cute picture of her and Freya - love it.

She also posted this picture of Freya with this little guy.
I wasn't sure who he was but turned out it was Kody's friend Nick's little guy.
He works with Jason and told him that they'd gone over there to visit and Freya just loved him.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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