Wednesday 16 February 2022

Mom Made it Back (Feb.12, 2022)

 Mom gets in this morning, her flight is set to arrive at 11 am and it's about a 3 hour drive to the airport so I was on the ride by 7 am.

I wanted to make a stop on the way and then I wanted to get there plenty early.

Turned out her flight was delayed slightly so she was expected at noon and I was able to make a few stops on the way.

The arrival doors, it's kind of exciting standing there and waiting to see who is going to walk through the door next.
It's always heartwarming too to see loved ones greeting each other.

Turned out Mom didn't even come through those doors.

I always arrange for her to be wheeled from the plane even though she can walk.
Especially if she has a stop because that way I can be assured that she's going to make it to the next gate for her next flight on time.
WestJet is so good for that.

It was so nice to see her, it's been since we were in PEI in September since I've seen her.
She was rocking the purple hair.

She got the purple shampoo that's meant for silver hair and it turned her hair purple.
Looks good though.

We made a couple more stops before heading home, Mom was pretty tired.

Listened to the Blend the whole way home and heard a few oldies but goodies that I want to remember to add to my playlist on Spotify.

This one for sure is going on my Chilling playlist.

Along with her luggage, mom had brought a parcel with some old pictures from my grandmothers and some Christmas presents from my sister.
She got me this little gnome which I thought was so adorable.
Think I might try to make a few.

I still had to get my 1 mile in so I went down to do that when I got home.
Did it in 14.37 today.

Had to continue on to get my 13 000 steps.

Sweaty selfie - well not that sweaty but work out is done and that feels good.

I found a mirror for mom's bathroom today and this cute 'Hello Gorgeous' sign that Jason hung as soon as he got home from work.

Just another angle.

I got the two little shelves to the left there on Amazon.
They are much smaller than what I was expecting but they'll look cute with some greenery or something on them.

Kody dropped by for a visit and brought Freya over to spend the night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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