Tuesday 1 February 2022

Weigh In Day (Jan.31, 2022)

 Weigh in day!

I was 193.2 lbs.

That's down 2.6 lbs since last week which is good.
I've been eating better but I'm still not tracking like I should.

My Aunt Betty was going through old pictures and she sent me this oldie of me and my Aunt Janet from when I was in about grade 9 I think, so right around 15.

I miss Janet so much, she was so loving and so funny, she just had such a joyful spirit, it was infectious.
Side Note - what was I thinking with that hair do?

It snowed and then drifted a lot last night so I went out there on my lunch hour to shovel.

I didn't realize it but I ended up being out there for close to two hours and I didn't even get it all done but I just had to stop - it was hard and I needed a break.

I'll finish it up tomorrow.

I worked late to make up for the extra hour at lunch then went down and hopped on the treadmill.

I did my 1 mile in 14.25.

I decided to stay on and get 20 minutes in (I do a 3 minute warm up and a 3 minute cool down usually which I don't include in the time).

Felt really good.
Jason posted this cute picture he took of Freya the other night, she's such a character.

Kody and Freya popped over tonight for a visit.
He helped me take down the shelf I had on the wall here then he helped me move the white shelf over.

My plan is to make myself a big work table here in this corner.
I'm just making it out of plywood and 2x4's so it will be rough looking but it will do the trick for what I need.
I can't wait to get it done so I can get to work crafting some more.

We watched some Vlogs on Las Vegas - things to do, places to eat and so on, just to get us in the mood and I'm in the mood!

We are hoping to go at the end of  March - fingers crossed no big restrictions come in by then.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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