Friday 25 February 2022

Marathon Training Technically Begins (Feb.21, 2022)

 I was so thankful when I woke up this morning that whatever bug I picked up seemed to be gone and my belly was back to normal.

Monday means weigh in day so....

I was 190 right on the nose.

That's down a pound since last week.
Not a huge drop but I'm going in the right direction finally.
Trending down!

We had planned on going to Wct yesterday so I could get some wood to finish up the desk in my office.
Obviously that didn't happen because I was feeling so awful so as today was a holiday for me and I had the day off, we headed there today instead for a quick trip.

My goodness, is wood ever expensive.
I got 6 - 2 x 4'x, 1- 3/8" sheet of plywood, 10' of trim and a 1 1/4" pvc pipe and it came to 170.00, OUCH!
At least I have it now though and I can get going on the desk.

When we got home, I sat down with my calendar and filled out my training schedule.
I'm officially starting training today although today is a Rest/Crosstrain day.

I looked at a few different training plans and ultimately decided to go with the one in the Hanson's Marathon Method book that I've been reading.
It has a few different plans, I decided to go with the "Just Finish" one.
I am not looking to win this race, I just want to finish it.

My hope is that I enjoy it so much that I continue to do marathons and the subsequent ones I run I can work on finishing faster.
We'll see what happens.

The plan is an 18 week plan and I actually have 26 weeks until the marathon so I decided to double up the weeks until it falls in with the timeline of the marathon.
So basically I'll be doing week 1 twice, week 2 twice etc, right up to week 8 which I'll do twice as well and after that, I'll just have to do each week once.

I'm a newbie so I'm not sure if that is a good idea or not but I wanted to get started on training right away so I'm hoping it works out - I can't see that it will hurt anything so I'm just going to go for it.

Even though the training plan called for today to be a rest day, I still plan on running my 1 mile each day and getting my 13,000 steps in so I popped onto the treadmill to do that.
I went at a very easy pace so it took me 15.02 to get the 1 mile in.

I had to stay on a bit extra (not long) to get the rest of my steps in.

Always feels good to get a workout done even if it's an easy one.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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