Wednesday 16 February 2022

Pizza and Chocolate Covered Strawberries (Feb.13, 2022)

 I got up early this morning and got an episode of the new season of Sweet Magnolia's in before Little Miss woke up and joined me.

I love our morning cuddles.

Doing Nanny's hair.

She had mom playing dolls with her.
She can be very bossy - gets in honestly though.

She took a picture of Mom.

I had invited everyone over for supper today to see Mom and Jason made pizzas last night that I just had to throw in the oven.

Morgan made us chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine's Day.
OMG - they were so good, I couldn't stop eating them.

Mom and Morgan.
Jen had sent gifts for her too so she was opening them.

Freya was helping.

Rob and I.
Adrien and Kody ended up having to work late and Tanner was working too so Rob and Morgan were the only ones that ended up coming over.
We had a nice visit though.

Chilling with Papa.
She ended up spending the night again.
It's so hard to say no to her.

After everyone went home (with lots of pizza) I went down to get my 1 mile done.

I really wasn't feeling it as you can see by my time, 16.09 to get it done.

It's done though and sometimes those ones I don't want to do are the ones I'm most proud of.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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