Wednesday 2 February 2022

So Long Grey - Not Sorry To See You Go (Feb.1, 2022)

It is back to freezing temperatures over here in our neck of the woods.

-24 C today - that's pretty darn cold.

I did go out at lunch to do some shoveling - I wanted to finish up the part that I didn't get done yesterday.

I didn't stay out long because I had to leave a half hour early to head to a hair appointment.

I'm FINALLY getting my hair dyed today and I'm so excited. 

I just got the grey covered.
I told her I didn't care what color it was, as long as the grey was covered.

It was nice to sit and catch up with Kim (my hairdresser).
I got her just to blow dry it a little for when I went home so that I wouldn't freeze but that was it.

When I got home, I jumped on the treadmill so I could get my 1 mile in.
Did it in 13.54 - not bad.

I stayed on a bit longer just so I could get 20 minutes in.

As usual, it felt good to get it done!

I worked up a pretty good sweat.

Check it out, no more grey!

I worked some on putting my craft room back together.
I got most of the containers back on the shelf.

I also got all the ribbon cleaned up and organized.

Then I kind of tried a few scenarios of where I wanted to put the table - I was trying to see if I could fit this other shelf in somewhere.
I wasn't crazy about any of the things I tried so I'll have to give it some more thought.

I've got plenty of time - I need to pick up some 2x4's for the legs and I won't be able to do that until the weekend.

I'm still battling a headache - I sure hope it goes away soon.
Jason picked me up some sinus medication on his way home from work - I hope that helps.
I have resorted to it in the past when I've had a headache that just won't go away with Ibuprofen alone.
Guess we'll see.

My plan was to start marathon training this month - I haven't found a training plan that I want to follow yet, I plan to so some research this weekend and pick something so I can get started next week.
I also ordered a selfie stick for myself so I can document my training and progress - my journey to a marathon!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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