Wednesday 16 February 2022

More Snow and a Staycation at Fantasy Land Hotel (Feb.11, 2022)

Made myself a healthy, colorful, delicious breakfast.

On WW new Personal Points plan eggs are 0 points for me so this whole plate was only 1 point for the deli turkey.

In fact it was actually -1 points because I had two cups of raw vegetables which gave me back two points.

Pretty good deal!

What do you know, we got more snow last night.

I went out at lunch to shovel it and I ended up being out there for 2.5 hours, far longer than I meant too.

I was exhausted when I was done - it was heavy snow.

I ended up having to work late to make up for the extra hour and a half I spent out there.

Then I had a hot bath because I was chilled and my body was aching - it did help. 

Even though I was tired and I had all my steps in for the day plus some, I still needed to get my 1 mile run in.
It was late when I did it but I got it done and in really good time too, 13.18

This girl can do stuff!

Crystal posted some pictures from their city trip I thought I would share.

Rides at Galaxy Land in West Edmonton Mall.
I'm not even brave enough to get on this ride myself but look at Zepp and Freya go - fearless.

The girls all went for pedicures.

They spent a night in the Igloo room at Fantasy Land.
Freya all set up with her chips, she loves doritos.

The stayed in the Polynesian room one of the nights.

It even had a volcano in it.

A fancy hot tub too which they all tried out.

The fashionistas.

I don't think I've seen this in the mall myself - very cool art.

Pretending to be under water with the fishies.

Found a new friend.
Looks like they kept busy and had lots of fun!
Wish I could have gone with - Next time!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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