Monday 21 February 2022

Trip to the City - Delayed (Feb.17, 2022)

When Freya got up this morning she picked out her own outfit.

She picked a bathing suit, ha ha!

She dropped in to visit me while I was working and gave me a big kiss.

Look at those lips puckered up!

Of course Grandma had to give her a kiss back.
She was being so silly!

After work I went down and hopped on the treadmill.
Took me 13.51 to get my 1 mile in.

Stayed on a bit longer just to get to my 13,000 steps.

Worked up a bit of a sweat.

We were planning on heading to the city tonight and we were going to stay for two nights so Kody and Haylee came and picked Freya up.

We packed our suitcases, loaded them up in the car and headed out.

We stopped to gas up and decided that the weather was just too bad to carry on.

It was snowing and blowing and just about to get dark so we figured we'd go home and head in to the city first thing in the morning instead.

I have an appointment at  10:45am to see about getting laser eye surgery, so we'll have to leave about 7 am to make sure we get there on time.

Even if it is still snowing, at least we'll be driving in the daylight.

So we watched some travel vlogs and then headed to bed.

That's it for today, until next time, be happy!

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