Wednesday 16 February 2022

Basement is a Work in Progress (Feb.7, 2022)

Monday means weigh in day.

I still haven't been tracking and eating like I should, had lots of snacks over the weekend so I was planning on a gain. 

194.8 lbs today.

That was a gain of 1.6 lbs.
Not horrible but not what I want!
I decided that I am getting back on track today.

Somebody has claimed my mitten/hat/scarf crate as his own personal napping spot.
He looks so cozy in there.,

I had to go down to the office for a bit today and I had a parcel there waiting for me.
My latest Amazon order - a selfie stick.

Can you believe that I've never had a selfie stick before?
I had to test it out of course.
I got it because I want to document my Marathon training once I officially start a plan.

When I got home I hopped on the treadmill to get my 1 mile done.
Didn't exactly push myself, did it in 15.04 but at least I got it done.

Took some before pictures of the basement.

Mom is coming home this Saturday and I plan to have this all cleaned up before I go pick her up.

I plan on moving the workout room around a bit too - I'll post after pictures once I'm done.

We still have a bit of work to do in the bathroom.
The toilet is in and working though and that's the one thing I really wanted to make sure we had done so anything else we complete is gravy in my opinion.

I really like how the black trim turned out.
We think the shower kit we ordered is going to pretty much come right to the edge of the door so we've left that trim off for now.
We'll see once we get the shower installed what we will need for trim.

The shower definitely won't be here in time for mom's return but she can use the upstairs bathroom until it arrives.

It is supposed to be here on Mar.4 - hopefully the trucker protests don't have any affect on it's delivery.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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