Monday 28 February 2022

Marathon Training is Officially Underway (Feb.22, 2022)

It was pretty chilly out there today so my first marathon training run will have to be completed inside on my treadmill. 

I'm not hard core enough to run in -18 C weather!

Marathon training officially started yesterday but on the agenda for Day 1 was 'Rest or Crosstrain' so my first marathon training work out actually happened today.
On the schedule was a 3 mile of 5 km easy run.

I decided to document my training, even started a new YouTube channel for it,
I am hoping that it keeps me accountable and also that I can go back in a month or two and be able to really see progress.

Marathon training officially begins.

Easy 5k run.

It ended up being 3.5 miles by the time my warm up and cool down were added in.

I feel really good that marathon training is officially underway.
I know I can do it but there is this little part of me that is worried that I'll get injured or that on marathon day something will happen and I won't be able to finish.
So I'm really going to do my best to follow the training plan and just trust that it will be enough.

Peanut butter, jelly and banana.
Is there a better combo?
I think not!

Looks like she really enjoyed it.
Jason said she mainly ate everything off the wrap and left the wrap behind.
Ha ha.

More experiments with Papa.

This really made me giggle.
The silly things that people say!

My handsome son!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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