Wednesday 16 February 2022

Bidet, Goofball Kid, Vegetarian Feast and New Kicks (Feb.6, 2022)

 Our hotel room had a bidet which I have never seen before.

Of course we had to test it out.

Bidet demonstration

New camera man, new perspective on bidet demonstration.
(Freya wanted to have a turn being the cameraman/woman)

She let me put her hair up again - I'm amazed!

Not very talkative this morning.

Our first stop was Padmanadi for brunch.

Of course Grandma and Freya had to take some selfies.


We tried the cauliflower bites.

I got the ginger beef - I like this version more than I like the version with meat to be honest.

We got noodles for Freya and she liked them - so did we.

Jason got a curry 'chicken' dish - he liked it, it was a bit on the spicy side for me.

We also had coconut rice and we tried their 'bacon' which was ok.
It was a vegetarian feast and we were stuffed when we left.

We went to Lucky 97 market after brunch - I was looking for ramen bowls for Kody and Haylee.
I found some and Freya got a treat.

We got her a giant sucker and she loved it.

She's seen this exact one on some of the YouTube videos that she watches, I think that's why she was so excited.

She has been hitting herself in the head lately for some reason, she says Adrien/Cat Noir from Miraculous Lady Bug (a cartoon she likes) does it so I think that's where it came from.

She had me open every single sucker, licked a couple then it all ended up in the garbage.
But she was happy so I guess it was worth it.

We headed over to West Edmonton Mall next.
I wanted to do some shopping for things I needed for Mom's bathroom and Jason took Freya out into the mall to entertain her while I shopped.

They rented a ride on plush animal.

Jason was letting her drive it around and she thought that was great.

Great way to get around West Edmonton Mall.

She wanted me to hop on with her for a bit so Jason and I traded.

Jason took her on the little train they have there in the mall.
Note her ponytail was still there at the beginning of the ride.

At first she was just taking in all the scenery.

Then she noticed a sticker on the door and decided she needed to pull it off.

Always hamming it up for the camera.

She's a little goofball just like her dad.

She cracks us up.

By the end of the ride, the pony tail was out!

Jason's instagram post of the experience.

I caught the end of their train ride.

We went to Sport Check so we could look at sneakers and I ended up getting a new pair, found a deal I just couldn't pass up.

I got me some Nike Air Zoom Alphafly's.
They were on clearance and there were only two pairs there, a size 6 and a size 8 (which is my size).
I tried them on and they were so bouncy - I just loved them.

Even though they were on clearance, they were still $180.00 which is a crazy amount of money to pay for a pair of sneakers (for me).
They are regular $260 to $365 though so I think I got a great deal.
I want a new pair for the marathon and I want to be able to train in them for a bit so I just bit the bullet and bought them.
I just found out that I'm getting a bonus at work so I'll consider them my bonus treat to myself.

As soon as I got home, I put them to the test and wore them for a treadmill workout.
They felt great.

I did my 1 mile in 14.38 today.

I stayed on a bit longer just to get the rest of my steps in.

Sweaty selfie.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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