Wednesday 9 February 2022

Happy Birthday Shennelle! (Feb.2, 2022)

Shennelle's birthday was over the weekend so we went out today for lunch to celebrate.
It was nice to see everyone and catch up.

Shennelle and Sharon.

Bonnie and I.
We decided that if we don't go back to work soon, we are going to do this more often, just so we can see each other.

I had shrimp salad for my lunch and it was pretty good.

After work I popped onto the treadmill.
Did my 1 mile in 14.05 today.

Decided to stay on and finish 3.2 miles or 5k.

I really got my sweat on and it felt good.

While I was working out, Jason was working on mom's bathroom.
We pulled it all apart, well he did, because it was leaking and we knew we wanted to put it back together before she came home but she really left it until the last minute.

We did order a shower unit but it won't be in until March so that part won't be done but as long as we get the toilet in that's the main thing.
Jason was working on the new floor today.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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