Tuesday 15 February 2022

Off to "The Hotel" in Edmonton (Feb.5, 2022)

We had planned on heading to the city this morning first thing but we got another dump of snow last night.
I wanted to leave town and just ignore it, I'm so over snow, but I had to shovel just to get down the steps and over to the car to start it.
There was really so much that the driveway was going to have to be done too before we'd be able to get out of it.
So Jason took over the shoveling and I went in and gave Miss Freya a bath.

She's always 'so told' when she gets out of the bath so I bundled her up in the blankets on the couch while I looked for something for her to wear today.

I got her hair brushed and OMG, she actually let me style it and left it that way, turned out for most of the day which was amazing.

This zombie showed up and started trying to cut it's own fingers off.

Silly zombie.

We were playing around on snapchat a bit while Jason was packing and getting ready.

So stylin!

This is one is so funny.

This one is my favorite though - too cute!

We stopped for a bathroom break in Fort Assiniboine and she had to walk along the curb a few times.

We just let her burn off a bit of energy before she had to get back in her car seat for another couple hours.

First stop in the city was at Lowes to look for a few things for the bathroom.

We lucked out and got the cool looking shopping cart - it was big and awkward to push around but she liked being in it so that was a win.

We did a bit more shopping - as much as we could fit in before Freya got tired of it.

Then we ordered a couple of pizzas from Sepps.
Jason is eating vegetarian for the week so got two vegetarian options.
This one had eggplant and ricotta cheese - very yummy.

This on had basil and capers on it - so good.

We inadvertently ended up in the middle of a protest convoy on our way to the hotel - there are protests going on all over right now.
Once we realized, we were able to get out of it pretty quickly.

We were up on the 20th floor so we had a pretty good view.

The sun was setting - it looked so pretty.

I like staying right down town - nice for running.

After we ate, we headed down to the pool.
Freya wanted in the hot tub first.

I wanted to get my 1 mile run in so I went to the gym and hopped on the treadmill.
I forgot to stop at 1 mile and take a picture of my time.
I ended up doing 30 minutes.

Sweaty selfie - you can see Jason and Freya in the background there in the pool.
I changed into my bathing suit as soon as I finished my workout and joined them.

She and Jason spent a lot of time going back and forth between the hot tub and the pool.

Lost in thought.

OMG - she makes the best faces.

After a few hours at the pool, it was time to head back to the room.

She did her Robot Zombie act first.

When we got back to the room, Jason headed out for a run.
He stopped at a store on the way back and got us yogurt parfaits - what a delicious treat they were!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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