Wednesday 9 February 2022

Painting Goes Awry (Feb.3, 2022)

 Freya was asking to come over all day long so I told Kody to bring her on over.
Jason was off and he was just itching to see her too.

First thing she wanted to do when she came over was get her Spider-Man costume on.

Jason got everything taped up in the bathroom so his next step was painting.
Freya wanted to help him and carried the can of paint down to him all by herself.

It was a full can of paint so quite heavy - I'm impressed that she carried it all the way down to him by herself.

On to the next thing.

She just looks so gosh darn cute in that costume.

Checking out the new toilet.

I'm a big girl now.

Spider-Man helping with the bathroom renovations.

Selfie with Grandma.

Making funny faces.

Snack time - she loves her some pepperoni.

I actually got her to put on this little dress I picked up for her at the second hand store.
She isn't really that into dresses normally.

What a great wink!

Healthy supper? Not so sure - lots of protein anyway.

She wanted to go down and help Papa out with the painting so I got one of Jason's old t-shirts to put on her and she actually let me put her hair up.

I took the opportunity to hop on the treadmill and get my mile in.

Did it in 13.51 today.

Meanwhile Jason got Freya a paint brush.

He gave her a container of paint.

He gave her way more paint than I would have but it if makes her happy that's awesome.

And she was off and running.

She thought it was great - Jason wanted her to stick with painting where the shower is going to go and she did that at first.

Helping Papa paint the walls.

Then soon enough she'd strayed over to the main wall.

Her final canvas..........?

Let's just say that painting got a little out of hand.

OMG - I love the look on her face.

In the end I think more of her paint ended up on Papa then on the wall, ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

She wanted to spend the night and Jason is off tomorrow so of course we let her.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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