Monday 28 February 2022

Paint Holders (Feb.23, 2022)

 The training plan for today called for a rest or crosstrain day.

However, even though I've started my marathon training, I still want to reach my goal of running at least 1 mile per day and walking 13,000 steps so at lunch I popped onto the treadmill to get my mile in.

I took it pretty easy, took me 14.36 to run the mile.

Stayed on a bit extra to get some steps in too.

Always feels good to get a work out done even if it's an easy one.

Alivia and Hunter wanted to come over for a visit so Adrien dropped them off after work.
They mainly just played on their electronics but it was still nice to see them.

Jason had cut the PVC pipe for me yesterday so I decided to glue it together to make the little storage containers for my paint.
The glue was super stinky - I probably should have done it outside.

I got two different sizes of pipe as I have two different sizes of paint bottles.
I'm happy with how it turned out except that it only fits a fraction of my paint so I'm going to need to get some more pipe.
This will hold about 30 bottles and I have around 87 bottles so I'll need to get 2 more pipes.

Turns out my smaller bottles are different sizes so most of my small bottles wouldn't fit in the smaller diameter pipe.

I went with 1 1/4" pipe but again I'm going to need more pipe and I think I'll up it to 1 1/2" for the next pipe so it will fit all of the smaller bottles.
This pipe was a lot thicker and heavier too than the pipe that I got for the larger bottles so I'm going to see if I can get thinner, lighter pipe next time.

Once I get the rest of the holders made, I think I'll spray paint them white.
All in all, I'm happy with how they turned out.

Haylee posted this, just a girl and her dog.
So cute.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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