Monday 21 February 2022

Laser Surgery Consultation (Feb.18, 2022)

 So we were up and on the road by 7 am this morning.

It wasn't snowing so we were really glad we decided to wait.

After the Fort, the roads were pretty much clear.

We made it to Edmonton in plenty of time for my appointment, we even had time to stop for breakfast at Subway.

Jason dropped me off at 10:45.
They told me it would take about 2.5 hours so Jason was going to go keep himself busy then come back for me.

They did a bunch of different testing on my eyes then I saw the Optometrist and she went over my options with me.
She said they could do Laser Surgery or this optical surgery where they actually remove the lens from your eye and surgically implant a new one.
Because I'm nearsighted but starting to need reading glasses as well, she said they could correct for different things in each eye.
She gave me two sets of contacts to try out.
The first set would simulate the laser surgery then the second set would simulate the actual lens implant.
They went over the cost with me as well, the laser surgery is $2000 per eye and the lens surgery is $4900 per eye.
So I think the lens surgery is kind of off the table as that is very pricey but I'm going to give both sets of lens a try just to see.

They had to dilate my pupils which is why Jason had to come with me, I wasn't able to drive.
The appointment did take about 2.5 hours like they said it would.

He took this picture of me when I got out to the car, my pupil is nearly as big as my iris.
The sun felt very bright so I had to wear sunglasses but aside from that, it wasn't too bad.

We hit up the Nike store in South Common since we were in the area and Jason ended up getting himself a pair of Nike Zoom Alphaflys.
They are bright orange - I love the color.

After a bit of shopping we were starting to get hungry.
We felt like having burgers so went back to Woodshed Burgers.

I had the special, the Millwoods 402.

Jason had the Juicy Lucy.
Their burgers are delicious.

We also shared an order of the BBQ Beef Loaded Fries.

We went to the mall and did some shopping around.
We both wanted to have some frozen yogurt but discovered that our favorite place in the mall down by the movie theater was gone.

Luckily we found another spot and they had sugar free frozen yogurt which was awesome.
Such a great treat.

We found a spot to sit and eat our frozen yogurt.
We spent so much time wandering about the mall that it was late by the time we headed to the hotel to check in.
We were staying at Coast Inn again and I thought their gym closed at 9 and I hadn't run my 1 mile yet so I figured I'd be heading outside for a run once we got there.
Jason said he'd come with me and run slow.

Turns out that their gym was open until 10 pm and it was not quite 9 pm yet so we had time.

Luckily they have 2 treadmills so we were both able to get a run in.

It's hard to take a selfie when you are running - kind of blurry but you get the idea.

Jason tested out his new kicks - aren't they pretty?

I did my 1 mile then I changed into my bathing suit and jumped in the pool for a dip.
Jason joined me too when he was done - he ran 5 k first though.

We swam a bit and spent some time in the hot tub - it was a nice treat after a work out.

Haylee posted this cute picture of her and Freya, thought I'd share.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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