Wednesday 9 February 2022

Floor is in, Half in Any Way. (Feb.4, 2022)

I put this crate by the door for the mittens and scarves etc. and Paddington has adopted it as his own private bed.

He just looks so cozy in there!

We got ANOTHER dump of snow so we went out at lunch to shovel.

Freya was "helping".

She wanted Jason to cover her over with snow.

She makes the best faces.

What a little goofball she is.

Good thing she had snow pants on.

Didn't take long before she was cold though and wanting to go back indoors.

Jason and I walked down to the Hardware at lunch today.
He needed to get a few things and I wanted to get some steps in.

I was happy at the end of work today - it's Friday and I have the whole weekend of no working to look forward to!

After work I popped down and got my mile in on the treadmill.
Did it in 13.30 today.
I tried to push myself a bit.

I stayed on and got a 30 minute workout in.

Always feels so good to get that workout done.

Papa and Freya being silly.

They are both goofballs.

We were watching Encanto, again (it's so good) , and Freya was showing us what Bruno does.

What Bruno does.

We didn't get it at first, but we watched it back and found exactly the part she was talking about.
She is really good about picking stuff up like that.

I noticed lately when she's watching videos that she sometimes tries to copy dances and moves that people are doing, it's so cute.

Jason got the floor laid.
It's peel and stick tile, Floor Pops is the brand.

He  couldn't do the whole floor as he may need to move the drain when he installs the shower but he did as much as he could.

He put the weights on it just to help it adhere.

Freya is staying over again tonight, we are going to head into the city tomorrow for the night and take her to the hotel, one with a pool.

She just loves going to the hotel and swimming in the pool.
Should be fun!

I unearthed some sparklers while I was doing some organizing in the craft room so they went out and lit a couple.

Sparklers are just so much fun for kiddos, a little bit scary too.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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