Monday 28 February 2022

Marathon Training Day 4 (Feb.24, 2022)

 It's Thursday, only one more day to go until the weekend and I'm looking forward to it.

Made myself a healthy breakfast.

Looking kind of harsh but I was just testing out my selfie stick.
I couldn't get it to sync yesterday at all but it worked no problem today?
Go figure.

Today's workout was another 3 mile or 5 km easy run and it was another cold, windy, snowy day out there so I headed to my treadmill at lunch time.

Day Four of marathon training.

Took me 44.31 minutes to get the 5 km's done.

Day 4 Work Out complete!

Sweaty selfie.
I can't wait until Jason changes out the light fixture in the basement, right now it is a bit dark down there.

After work, I walked down to the store just to get some extra steps in.

When I got back, Kody and Freya dropped by for a visit.
I always love seeing them.

Freya really wanted to spend the night but I told her she could come tomorrow night and spend the whole weekend so she was ok with that.

Jason and I started watching the Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka documentary, The Ken and Barbie Killers.

I was always kind of aware of the story peripherally but didn't really know the actual details of what happened.
What a horrific story and the fact that she is out running around a free woman after 12 years in prison is just a travesty.
What an injustice.

It is inconceivable that there are people like this out in the world that commit these unimaginable deeds.
How could one human being do this to another?

I think it also sheds some light on the fact that the justice system in Canada is seriously flawed.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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