Wednesday 16 February 2022

Back in the Weight Loss Groove (Feb.14, 2022)

Weigh in day today.

I've really been following WW this week, tracking my points, not going over so I am expecting a loss on the scale today.

I was 191.0 lbs.

That's a loss of 3.8 lbs and more importantly, I finally feel like I'm back on track, back in the groove of things.
I'm heading in the right direction again.

Freya spent the night again last night.
I had to work so I got her all set up on her little recliner beside me in my office and it was really good.
I was actually able to get plenty of work done.

Kody finished work early and came and picked her up just after lunch.
So I headed to the office this afternoon just to file a few things and see if there was any work on my desk to pick up.

Jason is such a romantic!
It is Valentine's Day today and I normally get Jason a card or chocolate or something but we are both really trying to stick to WW and so I just didn't bother this year.

After work I hopped on the treadmill.
I was hoping to get a run in outside today but I'm just such a baby when it comes to the cold.
I did make myself get in at least 5 k though.
It felt a bit hard today, I took a couple of minute long walking breaks but it still counts, right?

Sweaty selfie.

I wanted to be started my marathon training by now and I still haven't even looked at the three plans that I printed off.
I'm going to make that a priority this weekend.

Adrien couldn't make it last night for supper so he brought the kids over tonight to see mom.
They stayed to visit for a little bit, opened the gifts that Jen had sent with mom for them.

I forgot to take pictures.
They ended up leaving just as Jason was getting home from work.

Jason went out for a run when he got home - he is so dedicated!
I was feeling really tired so I hit the hay early.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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