Friday 25 February 2022

Outdoor Run and Ramen (Feb.19, 2022)

I was kind of excited that it was nice enough to head outdoors for a run today.


All geared up in my new top I picked up yesterday, it's bright orange and I just love the color.

Of course I had to wear my mask inside of the hotel but that will be coming off as soon as I get outside.

Jason and I split up once we got outside - he headed to the river valley and I headed up Jasper Ave.
I planned on doing 5 k, just an out and back run but tried to get closer to the river on the way back and kept hitting dead ends and having to backtrack so ended up doing just over 7k.
It felt good to be out there!

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
A little higher than what I'd gotten down to but that's ok.

Took some selfies when I got back to the room.
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.

We noticed a Farrows just near our hotel so while I jumped in the shower, Jason walked over there to get us some breakfast.
He sent me a picture of the options so I could tell him what to order me.

I went with the Grick and it was pretty good.

We went and did some grocery shopping and made a few other stops then decided to get some lunch/supper before hitting the highway for home.

We opted for ramen at our favorite place, Kazoku.

Get in my belly!


He was just as stoked about the ramen as I was.
We have never been disappointed with the ramen here.

They had this dessert which we'd never noticed on the menu before so not sure if it was a new item or what?
It had match ice cream, orea cookie, red beans and graham cracker crumbs.
Sounded good to us so we shared one.

As you can see, we thoroughly enjoyed it.

Freya had spent the night last night in Barrhead at Haylee's Grandparents and Kody asked if we could pick her up on our way through so we did.
We were so happy to see her as always.

When we got back to the house, Jason set this tent up in the basement for he and Freya to play in.

She loved it, her own little fort.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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