Wednesday 16 February 2022

Five Miler (Feb.10, 2022)

 I haven't gotten out for a run in quite some time and I was feeling guilty about it so I decided to get a good work out in today after work.

I ran 5 miles or 8k.

I really pushed myself and I was super sweaty but it felt good to get it done.

I've been sticking to plan this week and eating much more healthier so I am feeling good.
Decided to take some selfies.
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.

I think I might have pushed myself a bit too hard because I felt kind of sick to my stomach for the rest of the evening - ended up going to be early.
I hadn't eaten much all day and I think that's what did it.

Kody, Haylee, Freya, Crystal and Zepplyn are all in the city for a few nights staying at the West Edmonton mall.
They asked me to come and I was going to but I decided that I better stay and make sure I got mom's room all ready for her.

Haylee posted a video of them eating at a restaurant that had a robot waiter and Freya sounded pretty stoked about it.
She also posted this cute picture of Freya being the little goofball that she is.

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