Wednesday 16 February 2022

Trigger Finger (Feb.15, 2022)

Tuesdays mean lots of meetings for me. 

I did manage to prepare myself this breakfast platter full of goodies and -2 points overall.
I'm digging this new plan!

There was a bit of shoveling that needed to be done at lunch today, it didn't take my whole lunch hour though thankfully.

I wanted to go out for a run but it was just too cold out there for my liking so treadmill it was.
I did get 3.2 miles or 5k done though.

I pushed myself to do it at a faster pace and it felt good.

I had a quick shower afterwards as I had an appointment for a massage.
She worked on my middle finger on my right hand which I've been experiencing 'trigger finger' on and it seems to be getting worse lately.

I think it's all the shoveling that is causing it.
She showed me some exercises I can do - hopefully if I do them, it will go away, it's a very strange, uncomfortable and even kind of scary feeling.

It has never locked up and stayed but every time it 'locks' I'm afraid that it will be the time that I can't get it open.

I really hope that never happens.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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