Wednesday 16 February 2022

Basement is Ready to Go - For Now (Feb.8, 2022)

 Jason was having working on the plumbing for the sink in mom's bathroom today and he was having a heck of a time.

He had a leak that he just couldn't seem to resolve.

He went to the hardware store a few times for supplies and I had to send him some photos so he'd know what to pick up.

He eventually ended up cutting out all the old plumbing and replacing it all which in hindsight he wished he'd done right from the get go but the leak is gone, everything is work so all is good in the hood.

While he fussed with the bathroom, I worked on cleaning the rest of the basement and re-arranging things.
I decided to get rid of one of our treadmills.

This is an older one but it still works so I took pictures to post on Facebook.
I was just giving it away but if nobody wants it, I am going to take it to the dump.

I considered getting rid of this as well but I'm not so sure yet.
I really like it, just not sure where to put it.

Jason got the sink all plumbed in.

The floor looks so good.
Truth be told, it's not sticking very well so we looked it up and found that you can use Loctite on it to help it stick down so I ordered some.

I was going to get rid of this cabinet because it's brown and not black but I decided to try it out in there and I think it actually looks good.

I got the workout room cleaned up and re-arranged 

It feels much more spacious.

I got some of Freya's things set up for her too so she can use them down there.

Got mom's side all cleaned up and organized too.
Jason is going to cut the PVC pipe into little sections for me so I can make an organizer for my craft paint so that will be gone before Mom gets here.

I also hopped on the treadmill to get my mile in.
Did it in 14.51 today.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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