Tuesday 1 February 2022

Craft Room Re-Org Begins (Jan.30, 2022)

 It took Freya a LONG time to fall asleep last night.

We woke up around 8 am and I got up but she said she was going to stay in bed and she actually fell back  to sleep for a bit.

So while she slept, I finished up my Valentine wreath.
I think it turned out pretty good.

When she did get up, she and I hung out and watched some Roma and Diana.
She wanted to have a bath and she actually let me wash her hair.

Kody came over to get her around lunch time - she didn't want to go at first but as soon as he mentioned that Zepplyn was coming over she was raring to go.

She still had to get dressed so I told her to go pick something out from the dresser I have for her and she picked out a bathing suit.
Ha ha.

Then she decided she needed to do some dancing.

She also told me who all of her best friends were - she has a lot.
I noticed Hunter made the list twice.

She finally let us pt some real clothes on her but she had to keep the bathing suit on and then they headed home.

Jason posted this on his Instagram.
Boy does she ever love Peter Parker and all things Spider-Man, it's really adorable.

I decided to get started and my office/craft room make over.
I started hauling everything out to the dining room.

Of course I forgot to take a before picture but here is a during picture.

It took many, many trips to get everything moved out to the dining room.

I plan on taking both of these shelves down and moving the big white shelf over to this side of hte room.

I will need help to get the brown shelf down off the wall, it's extremely heavy.
I thought I got quite a bit accomplished and decided to stop at this point for the night.

Haylee posted a picture of Freya as soon as she got home today chilling with Louie.
So cute.

She went down to work with Kody the other day and he posted this picture of her up on the picker.

I popped down and hopped on the treadmill to run my 1 mile.
Did it in 14.13 today.

The run felt good so I decided to stay on and do 5 k.

I watched The Running Channel on YouTube the whole time.
I watched an episode where one of the main vloggers gave her mom a pair of Nike Alphafly's to test out.
They cost 270 pounds (the show is British) but they did improve her running and she did really like them.

I looked them up after my run and looks like I can get a pair for 259.99.
These are the shoes that the marathoner who ran the first sub 2 hour marathon was wearing.

I told Jason we should each treat ourselves to a pair to train in - specifically for our long runs then we can wear them at the marathon.
He said he'd like to try a pair on so I think next time we are in the city that we just might do that.

Jason made chicken for the guys at work today and he brought me home some for my supper which was awesome, I didn't have to cook anything.

I had a splitting headache again tonight so I headed to bed not long after I had my supper.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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