Friday 15 January 2021

Some Comparison Photos (Jan.12, 2021)

 It was a busy morning and before I knew it, it was time to head out for a lunch time walk.

Kody dropped Freya off while he & Haylee went to do some shopping in WCT and Jason had already gone for a run so he watched her while I went out for my lunch time walk/jog.

Now that I'm under 200, my goal is to run outdoors at least once a week.
I did jog a bit today hence the sweat you see on my face but I'm not going to count that - I'm going to plan to do a run Saturday morning.
I'm going to follow Jason's 5k route and jog as much of it as I can.

When I got back from my walk/jog - these two were cuddled up on the couch watching videos.

I took my daily selfies before heading back to work.
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.
Looks like someone has had their little fingers all over the mirror and it is in need of a cleaning.

After work, I wanted in on the cuddling!

It was super hard to get Freya to stay still for a photo.

Showing us her hot baba.
She's still pretty stuck on it.

After Freya went home, I still needed some steps so Jason and I walked down to the Automotive shop here in town to pick up his truck.
It was in there getting a few things fixed and they called today to say it was ready.
It was such a nice calm, clear evening for a walk.

When we got home, I was looking through some old photos and I was just shocked at how large I was.
I had to make some comparison shots.

You can just see in our faces how much we've lost and it feels so good.

You know I never considered him to be overweight at all - he was and still is handsome and so looking at these old pictures, I'm kind of a little shocked to see such a difference.
I love him regardless but the main thing is that we both feel much healthier and more energetic and that means we can continue to do the things we love together for a very long time to come.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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