Friday 15 January 2021

Hello Onederland and the Ankarsrum Mixer Finally Arrived (Jan.11, 2020)

Weigh in day today.

And this happened....
199.8 lbs.

It was only a small loss this week, .8 lbs,  but I'll take it.
This means I am going to start seriously training to run a marathon.
I'm not exactly sure what that means yet but for sure I'm going to start running once a week outside.
I got Jason to show me the 5k route he's been doing, I think my first goal will be to try to do that.

I had an email that my package was delivered so as soon as the post office opened I went down to get it.
I stopped in at the office too to drop a parcel off there for Calvin and print a few things off that I needed.
Then I headed back to the house - I was anxious to get the parcel to Jason.

Someone FINALLY got their Christmas present.

This is the mixer that I ordered for him way back in November and there were a few mishaps but finally it has arrived.

It's very heavy duty and I really like the color.

Today's selfies.
Front view.

Side view.

Back view.

I made myself an omelet for breakfast and it was yummy.
We went for a nice long walk at lunch time together then I had a really busy afternoon.

I've been going back and forth trying to decide on taking a trip to WCT to get a few things and finally decided to go today.
So after supper, Jason and I headed there.
We mainly just needed groceries and laundry detergent, paper towel, you know, the staple household stuff.
It was 9 pm when we pulled back into town.

We put everything away then settled in to watch some more food vlogs.
We've been watching this one lately.

One Bite Pizza review.
He's pretty entertaining.
Makes me crave pizza though and travel.
We've been to several of the places that he reviews but he has so many more that we want to go try now.

I was scrolling through Instagram too and saw Jason had posted this - I'm so glad he likes his Christmas present.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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