Friday 15 January 2021

Back At It (Jan.4, 2020)

So today was my official weigh in day for WW.


I weighed in on my new scales and I was exactly what I was before Christmas which is nice!

So I'm rid of the almost 8 lbs I gained over the holidays.

Not only did I gain weight, but I gained insight as to how easy it is to pack the weight back on and that is something I most definitely do not want to do.

I'm lucky it didn't take me weeks to shed it and I am feeling a renewed energy and sense of wanting to get back at it.

It was back to work for me today as well.

Still from home though, I imagine we will be working from home for awhile yet.

Until Jan.11 anyway when the latest round of restrictions were set to be in place until.

I'm figuring that they'll just keep us working from home until the vaccine really starts rolling out to everyone.

I went for a walk at lunch time down to the store to get a few pictures printed off.

I had these ornaments that I wanted to get done.

I already have Ethan and Declan in some so I wanted Alivia, Hunter and Freya in a couple as well.

I might have made his picture a little too big but I think it works.

I love the big smile she has in this picture of her.

I would have liked the picture of Alivia to be a bit bigger to fill out the space but I think it works too.
Now I'll have all the kiddos to hang up next year.

I also checked the mail, I was really hoping Jason's mixer I ordered for him would be in, it was supposed to be here on Christmas eve, but it wasn't in yet.

I don't understand what is taking so long.

Bonnie called me and told me that I had a few parcels on my desk at the office so later this afternoon I popped down there to pick them up.

One was a new MP3 player I'd ordered for myself because it has bluetooth.

The brand is Timoom and it has a touch screen like an ipod touch but is only a fraction of the price.

It was $50 bucks when the Ipod touch would be closer to $300 so I'm willing to give it a shot.

My Ipod is not bluetooth compatible and the headphones keep breaking in and out.

I tried new headphones but it doesn't seem to matter so I'm thinking it's the Ipod itself.

I have a set of bluetooth headphones I got years ago so I wanted to give them a try.

The other package was something Kody had ordered for Freya for Christmas that finally showed up.

Continuing on with my New Years Goal of a selfie a day.

Got a side shot.

Decided to even get a back shot too.

I've been slowing working on putting the Christmas decorations away so after work today, I took all the lights off of the tree and got those put away.
I'll have to get My Honey to help me take the tree out.

I've been hauling up storage containers here and there too, hopefully I'll get it all done before the weekend but if not, I'll finish it up then.

I got some music downloaded onto my new MP3 player too this evening but I could not get the bluetooth headphones to connect.
I have had them for a couple of years so maybe they are just too old and incompatible.
I might order a new pair if I can find some that aren't too expensive.

I worked on a new goal for my 50x50 book.
It isn't finished but I'll finish it up tomorrow evening.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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