Monday 31 January 2022

Covid = Headache, Literally! (Jan.28, 2022)

 It's Friday, my most favorite day of the week!

I sent all the emails out to all the guys in regards to their bonus points today and it felt so good to get that all completed and out of my hair finally!

Then I spent the rest of the day trying to catch up on things I've been putting aside while I worked on them and I feel like I'm actually making some progress.

I did go out and do some shoveling at lunch time today.

Then after work I hopped on the treadmill to run my 1 mile.

I wasn't feeling the best so I took my time, did it in 15.56.

I decided to just stay on and finish getting in the rest of my steps too while I was at it.

Felt good to be done with it for the day.

I've been watching videos from The Running Channel on YouTube while I run - some are informative, others are inspiring.

I want to get started on my marathon training in January which is coming up right away so I need to find a training plan to follow and I think I want to document my journey, might need to get myself a selfie stick.

I fixed us up shrimp, a salad and kalettes for supper.

I saw these kalettes at Costco last time we were there and I love oven roasted kale so I figured I'd give these a try.
They only took 10 minutes to cook up in the oven and they were really good - they had kind of a nutty flavor.

I think the biggest Covid symptom I've been experiencing is a terrible headache.
I just couldn't seem to shake it tonight so I ended up heading to bed kind of early.

I put a cold wet cloth on my head and that seemed to help out.
It didn't take me long at all to fall asleep.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Got Out For A Run Today (Jan.27, 2022)

I REALLY wanted to get the safety points done this morning and I was so close so I got started in on it first thing and I FINALLY got them done.

I was so happy to get it out of my hair - it took weeks to get it done, way longer than I expected for sure.
So then I had to get to work on payroll.
It was nice out today so I planned on going out for a walk or possibly a run at lunch time but I kept working and working and working.
I'd say to myself that I'd just finish this one thing, then I'd go.

Then one more thing, then I'd go et cetera, I worked right through lunch until finally at 3 pm I made myself stop and go out.
The sun was shining and I didn't want to miss out on that.

I am feeling sick just kind of, it's weird but I thought to myself that I'd try running and if it felt too hard I'd just walk.
I ended up running 7.25k.
I just slowed my pace right down and it wasn't that bad at all.
The worst part was that it was very icy and I slipped a couple of times but I was able to catch myself both times so I didn't end up getting injured luckily.

The exercise details.

As you can see, my average pace and splits were way up.
The 6th km was on a steep uphill part of the run that also happened to be extremely ice so I really took my time and tried to be careful.
All things considered, I was proud of the run as slow as it was and it felt really good to get out there.
Fresh air always does the body good and the sunshine does the mind and soul good!


Even though I'm up about 10 -15 lbs from my lowest, I wanted to take some selfies just to capture where I'm at.

So here's the front view.

Side view.

And back view.

After my run, I logged back on and went back to work.

I've let everything else slide a little since I've been so focused on safety points so I really wanted to get through some of that stuff.

I worked right until 6 pm but I was sitting there in my sweaty clothes all afternoon so by that point I'd gotten really cold, freezing in fact.

So I called it a day for work and ran myself a nice hot bubble bath.

Freya flushed a play dough container lid down the toilet and they couldn't flush the toilet at all so Kody came and borrowed the shop vac earlier today.

Jason told him to wrap it with a towel and try sucking it out and Kody was so happy that it did the trick and sucked it right out.
He was getting ready to take the toilet out so that sure saved a pile of work.

Even though I haven't been overly sick, I have had a really bad headache all day so I didn't feel like making anything for supper.
Jason stopped and picked up a few things on his way home for us for supper.
We had tomato soup and bacon, lettuce and turkey sandwiches.
He got alfa alfa sprouts too which I love and supper was easy and delicious.

We watched some Bill Burr clips - we've been digging on him lately - he's really funny.

That's it for today, until next time, be happy!

Thursday 27 January 2022

Part of the Spider Verse (Jan.26, 2022)

Jason was back to work today so it was just me, myself and I at home today.
Oh, and Professor Snuggles and Paddington.

Mom sent me pictures from Jen's place in NS today.

Wow -looks like a gorgeous spring day, those lucky ducks!

So I went outside to take pictures to send back to her of what things look like over here today.

Yup, looks like I'll be shoveling again today.

I gave the kitties a treat and I noticed Professor Snuggles had a big gash on the back of his neck.

I thought maybe him and Paddington had been scrapping but I don't see a scratch anywhere.

It looks more like a scrape that got the fur and a layer of his skin.
The blood was fresh so it must have just happened but I have no idea where.

He didn't seem to be in pain or anything but he didn't want me touching it.

Haylee posted some super cute pictures of Freya on SnapChat.

Aww, I miss her so much.

I worked right through lunch again - I am working on calculating safety points and I've been at it for days.
I'm really hoping I can get it finished up today.

I did go out this afternoon to do some more shoveling.
I am so over it!
But I'm anal about keeping the driveway and walkway clear too so I just keep going out there.
I guess the silver lining is that it's really great exercise.

I planned on working late just to get it done but then Kody called right around 4 and said they were kind of strapped for a sitter.

Since Freya and I both have Covid, I figured it wouldn't hurt for us to be around one another so I went over and picked her up.

It was so nice to see her and I was able to give her the Spider-Man suit we'd picked up for her.

Friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man.

Selfie with Spider-Man.

She just loved it.
We called Jason to video chat with him for a bit so he could see it on her.

She had all the best Spider poses.

She has Spider-tude!

Me and my spider girl.
Taking a little break from being a super-hero to have a bubba.

When Kody came to pick her up, she tried on the other costume we'd gotten her, the Spider-Gwen one.
It looks so adorable on her!

Spider-Gwen rearranging the furniture.

It was so nice to see her, it's been almost a week.

She seems perfectly fine, not sick at all which is good.

She wanted to spend the night but Jason and I are both working tomorrow, so I promised her that she could stay the night this weekend.

Mom saw this bear at Walmart and she wanted it so Jen sent me a picture and asked me to pick it up here for her.
Now to just remind myself to look for it next time I go to the store.

I almost forgot about getting my 1 mile run in - I had gotten all my steps in for the day so I kind of felt like I was done.

When Jason got home, we went down to look for a spot where Professor Snuggles may have hurt himself (we didn't find anything) and when I saw the treadmill, it reminded me.

So glad - I might have forgotten and I would have been so bummed if I missed a day just for such a silly reason.

I pushed myself and got it done in 14.02.

Sweaty selfie.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Wednesday 26 January 2022

I'm Positive (Jan.25, 2022)

 I decided to try another Covid test today since I do feel like I'm getting sick and at first it looked like I was going to be negative again.

However, after waiting the 15 minutes, turns out it was actually positive.
So it's official, I finally have Covid - not surprising since Jason had it and we live in the same house.

So far, it's not that bad and I certainly hope it stays that way.
If I had to get it, I'm glad it's happened after I've been vaccinated and boosted too.

So looks like I'll be staying home, by myself for the next five days.

I did lots of housework and laundry today so I was able to rack up quite a few steps.

Jason and I finished watching both seasons of Ghosts (BBC version) that we were able.
We really enjoyed it a lot.
There is a third season but I don't know where to stream it at, it isn't available on CBC Gem where we watched the first two.
Kind of bummed about that but I'm sure it will be available somewhere eventually

It was late when I went down to run my 1 mile.
Did it in 14.49 today.

I stayed on a bit longer just to get the rest of the steps in that I needed.

Felt good to be done!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Weigh In Disappointment (Jan.24, 2022)

Monday means weigh in day.

I figured it was going to be bad and it was. 

I weighed in at 196.8

That's up 5.6 lbs since last week.
I did eat ice cream and lots of bread items on the weekend so I knew I was going to be up.
It's disappointing but tomorrow is a new day!
I'm not giving up.

We got more snow - is it ever going to end?
I worked through lunch but then I went out for an hour in the afternoon to do some more shoveling.

Kody called to say that he, Freya and Haylee all took Covid tests today and both he and Freya came back positive.
Haylee was negative.
Jason was feeling better today and he finished his 5 day quarantine today so he went and picked them up some soup and treats and medicine and dropped it off to them.

He fired up the pizza oven and made us pizzas for supper.
Just cheese and they were super good.

He took a few of those down to Kody's for them to have for supper.
Then when he got home, he & I went out for a walk.
It was a nice and mild out so a good night for a walk.

I still needed to run my 1 mile though so when we got home, I went down and popped on the treadmill.
Did it in 15.14 today.

I feel like I'm getting sick but it's not super bad or anything.

It's kind of weird - like a cold but not the worst one I've ever had.
Bit of a pathetic cough, bit of a runny nose, a headache and kind of tired.

Could be so much worse and it is the first time I've been sick since Feb.2020 so I can't really complain.

I don't have loads of energy so I didn't run very fast but I got it done and that's the main thing.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

Monday 24 January 2022

More Shoveling (Jan.23, 2022)

 I woke up feeling a bit under the weather this morning, nothing serious but definitely a little something.

Jason did another Covid test this morning and I decided to do one too.

Jason's was positive but we looked it up and apparently you can test positive for up to 90 days.

According to AHS, you only have to quarantine for 5 days unless symptoms persist so providing Jason's symptoms clear up, he should be completed his quarantine after today.

I decided to test as well and I came back negative.

Still is likely a good idea for me to stay away from others so I don't pass whatever I have along.

I really miss seeing Freya - I can't wait until this passes so we can see her again.

The kitties were scrapping this morning for a bit.

Later I found Paddington laying on our bed looking like a walrus.

It ended up snowing again so we had to clear everything again.

Then once we got it all clear, we worked on chipping ice at the top of the driveway again.
We got quite a bit of it cleared away.

The driveway is looking good.

We decided to go for a walk while we were out there - it was a bit windy but not too bad.

When we got back to the house, Jason got to work cooking and I got to work sewing.

I finally got new curtains sewn for the kitchen window.

They were just the ones I had up there before but reworked.

 I'm happy with how they turned out.

Jason meanwhile made mini pecan pies.

He also made biscuits - I requested them.
He makes the best biscuits.

He also deep fried chicken breasts so we could have chicken sandwiches.

Before we ate supper, I popped down onto the treadmill to get my 1 mile in.
Did it in 14.54 today.

I wasn't feeling the best so I was happy with that.

Jason made himself a delicious chicken biscuit sandwich for himself.

I cut my biscuit in half and had chicken, honey and sirachi on one half and butter and jam on the other.
OMG, it was so good.

I had a pecan pie with vanilla ice cream and maple bourbon syrup.
It was amazing.
I was so stuffed though, I had two bites left and I just could not finish.
I hated leaving it behind.

I know weigh in tomorrow is not going to be good.
But it is what it is.
I'm not going to dwell on it, tomorrow is a new day and I'm going to get myself back on track one way or another.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!