Tuesday 27 October 2020

Surprise Celebration for BH's 50th! (Oct.24, 2020)

I got up when My Honey left for work this morning, made myself a coffee then perused Social Media for a while.

Miss H got a new haircut yesterday and I love it.
That girl can pull off any hairdo I swear!

She and Baby F were at her Grandmother's in Barrhead for the night so Baby F got to hang out with her Auntie Z and cousins.

They went swimming and Baby F loved it.

She had a blast and wasn't afraid to just jump right into the water.

All the pretty girls.

My Aunt B sent me this picture this morning.
It's my brother A and my paternal grandfather.
I don't think I've ever seen this picture before, it was nice to see.
A looks just like Mr H - I had to send it along to my brother so he could see it.

Just before 9, I headed out to pick up Miss M.
We are heading into the city for the night to go to dinner and the comedy club for BH's 50th birthday but we want to do some shopping first.

We hit up Costco, Old Navy, Homesense and a few others before heading to West Edmonton Mall.

First thing we did at the mall was go to the food court for some lunch, we were both hungry.

I had this shrimp salad bowl from a new place I've never seen before call Basil Box.
It was pretty good except it had this tangy tamarind sauce which I didn't love.

I ate it all though.

Meanwhile, back at home, My Honey was making turtle pie for the guys at work.
They eat so well when he's on shift.

We shopped around the mall for a few hours then we were feeling kind of shopped out so we headed over to our hotel room and checked in.
We were staying at the West Edmonton Mall Inn which I've never stayed at before.
Everyone going to supper tonight was staying there.

We got ready then just hung out in the room for a bit.

I'm so glad she came along with me - I love getting to spend time with her.

We had a reservation at The Keg for 6:30 so we headed over there.

The tables weren't quite ready for us so we had to wait outside for a bit and it was cold.

The birthday girl and her honey.

Her balloons were looking deflated outside but as soon as we got indoors, they puffed right back up again.

Her daughters added the princess balloon - they thought it fitting.
I think everyone should be treated like a princess (or prince) on their birthday so I agree.

BH's daughter, CS.
She and her sister planned this whole night - I think they did a great job.

Due to Covid-19, we weren't allowed to sit more than 6 to a table so we were all split up.
It would have been nice if we could have all sat together but got to follow the rules.
Our table.

The birthday girl's table.

The third table for our group.
It's BH's daughter (in white), her sister beside her then her brother and his honey.
It was a good turnout, 14 of us all together.

SV and her hubby.

Me and my gorgeous date.

NCT and her hubby.

I ordered this roasted cauliflower dish, Warm Mediterranean Cauliflower.

It sounded interesting and I thought healthy.
Imagine my surprise when I looked up the points later and found out that it had 18 points!!!

We had a lot of appetizers going around the table but I didn't really try any, I was trying to keep my points low since I already had a couple really high point days this week.

Selfie with my princess.

The star of the show.
I've been craving a hamburger for a while now so I knew just what I wanted to order for supper.
I got a salad instead of fries on the side and I cut the burger in half.
They let me have it cooked medium and it was so delicious.
I was pretty stuffed and only ended up eating half but I enjoyed every single delicious bite.

They brought out a dessert for BH on the house since it was her birthday celebration.
It was huge.
They all had some at her table then there was still some left so they sent it over to our table for us to try.

It was around 9 pm when we finished supper which was perfect timing to head on over to the Comedy Strip in the mall.

The headliner for our show.

 Kenny Robinson.

Again, we couldn't all sit together but we were all in one long row.
There was a lot of people crammed into the comedy club and honestly, I felt a little too close and wanted to keep my mask on.

There was an announcer that got the show going then three comedians before the headliner.
They were pretty good, I have to say that the headliner was my least favorite though.
He had a few good jokes but for the most part he was very vulgar and talked about really gross sexual stuff which is not my kind of comedy at all.
You just never know what you are going to get when it comes to comedy!

Afterwards, we took some group pictures in the mall.
BH and her brother and sister.

BH and her kids.

BH and her friends (us).

One more shot!

Deciding what to to next.

Some of them headed to another club but most of us just headed back to the hotel.
It was a fun night, I think BH was surprised and just being out doing something like that again felt good.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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