Wednesday 26 June 2024

Whitney's Baptism (June 16, 2024)

I got out for a nice long walk this morning then I got ready to head to church.

Morgan and Kalem are getting Whitney baptized today.

Mom, Dad and the Godparents had to answer a few questions before proceeding. 

Kalem's brother and Morgan's best friend were the Godparents.
Kalem's brother looks just like him just with lighter hair.

There's little baby Whitney.

The actual baptism.

She was so good.

Whitney was so chill.

Dad looking on proudly.

Then it was all done.

We did a few group pictures.

Did one with Rob and I too.

Whitney is all baptized now.

Being Father's Day I thought we could all go out for supper but Kody was at work, Morgan and Kalem were heading to his Dad's and Adrien was going to Mel's.

So just Mom and I and Rob went out for supper.

I didn't see Freya at all this weekend - I think she was at Crystal's.
Her and Crystal did this drawing of Michael Jackson together.
It turned out awesome.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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