Friday 28 June 2024

Painting with Water Colors is the New Fad Around Here (June 26, 2024)

Another quiet day at the office.

Hopefully it picks up soon - I'd much rather be busy other wise the days just feel so long.


I ran my 30 minutes on my lunch hour.

I did it at 4.1 again today - I think next week I might bump it up to 4.2

Freya wanted to come over after work so Haylee dropped her off.
We did some more watercolor painting.
We did mushrooms today.
They turned out great.

Kody came to pick her up and he brought Eden with him for a little visit.

She had to get some snuggles in with Papa before she left.

Jason took this picture of Eden the other day standing in her play pen.
I love it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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