Monday 24 June 2024

Last Day of Vacation - Back Home We Go (May 30, 2024)

 We were flying out at 3:55 pm today and Nashville airport is about a 3.5 hour drive from Memphis so we were on the road early.

We had a couple hours to spare when we got to Nashville so we stopped and got something to eat at Chick-Fil-A.

I'm so excited that we will have a Chick-Fil-A in Edmonton by the end of the year!

Then we headed over to a cemetery that isn't too far from that airport that a few famous people are buried in, Woodlawn Memorial Park.

We went inside the mausoleum first and found where Tammy Wynette was.

The folks that worked in there were very helpful and even gave us a map that showed where everyone was.

We walked through the mausoleum then headed out to the cemetery.

Most of the grave markers here are flat so you had to stand over them to read them.

There were a few nice statues here and there.

Here is another nice one we happened upon.

George Jones and his wife did have a large monument though.

I've always been a big George Jones fan and I had the chance to see him in concert but didn't - I sure wish I had.

This marker is on the ground in front of the monument.

This is the back side of the monument - it just shows that it's in such a pretty spot.

Johnny Paycheck was buried very close to George Jones.
Apparently he was pretty broke when he passed away and George Jones paid for him to be buried here and for the marker.

We wanted to find Porter Wagoner's burial spot so we walked all over looking for it.
The cemetery is so pretty and it was a gorgeous day.
I sure am going to miss this marvelous weather we've been having here.
Hopefully we are into spring back home.

This tree is so stunning - I love the shape of it.

We found Porter Wagoner's grave marker then we had to head to the airport.

We dropped the car off, checked our luggage in and made it through security with no issues at all.
We went to a little spot in the airport and had a bowl of chicken quesadilla soup before making our way to our gate.

The flight was smooth - just the way I like it - and we landed in Edmonton a few minutes ahead of schedule, right at 7:10 pm.

Our luggage were amongst the first few to come out which rarely happens and I'd put a call in to Park2Go for a pick up.
When we got outside - there was a shuttle bus already there.

The car was ready for us - they did an awesome job cleaning it - it looked great.
This is the front.

This is the back.
So worth it and we will definitely be doing it again.

We had to stop for gas but then headed straight home.
We did make one more stop in Barrhead to get sandwiches and snacks then we were home by 11pm.
We both have to work tomorrow so we didn't unpack or anything, just visited with the kitties for a bit and kind of winded down a bit before we hit the hay.
It was nice to be back in my own bed.

Haylee and the girls went over to meet Whitney today.

Freya getting a chance to hold her.

Checking out how tiny she is.

Eden, Freya and Whitney

Wow - look at the difference between 7 months and a few days.

Carlin & Evan Stewart were at the pool with the kids on their vlog that I watched today and their kiddos were playing with these cool little spray toys.

I think I'm going to see if I can order them for the kids.

I didn't get all my steps in today but I was tired when I got home and didn't feel like doing it.

I am going to weigh in tomorrow and I know it won't be good - I'm also going to start back on WW tomorrow too.
I'm going to give it my best for the next 30 days and see what I can accomplish.

In the back of my mind I'm considering taking Ozempic because I'm just tired of fighting my weight day after day, month after month, year after year.
I feel like that's the last resort though and I would prefer to just get back into the swing of things myself if I can.

So again, I'm committing to giving it my all for the next 30 days - I know I can make progress if I apply myself and stick to it then once I'm in the grove it should be easier from there.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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