Friday 21 June 2024

Louisville, Kentucky and Jeffersonville, Indiana. Muhammad Ali Center, Biscuit Belly, Red Yeti & Louisville Cream. Tennessee Trip Day 7 (May 25, 2024)

Jason wanted to do a 21k run today so we got up and he headed out - the plan was for me to go and pick him up when he was done wherever he happened to end up.

I decided to go out for a walk myself.


There is a lot of horse themed art around here which makes perfect sense.

Another horse.

This looked like a cool spot.

Just random art installations along the streets of Louisville.

A tall skinny horse.

Cool dragon sculpture.

I walked over to the park and down the nice tree lined path again

I decided to walk over the bridge.

It's a pedestrian bridge.
The Big Four Bridge.

Crossing bridges has kind of become a thing for Jason and I.

It was a really wide bridge so there was lots of room.


Some views from the bridge.

Everything is so nice and green.

Look at all those trees.

Some of the houses on the other side of the bridge looked kind of fancy.
I didn't realize it at the time but the other side of the bridge is actually Jeffersonville, Indiana.

The bridge.

The next bridge over was for vehicles.
It's a nice looking bridge.

It's a huge river.

I met Jason while I was crossing the bridge.
We chatted for a minute, he took my picture then we both carried on in opposite directions.

There was a fair or something going on on the other side of the bridge.

Just about at the end of the bridge and into the third state of this trip.

Random sculpture on the other side.

There were a bunch of people lined up to go into the fairgrounds.
Turns out it was a Beatles fest - there were bands playing and food and games.
It looked like a good time.

I got myself an iced coffee at a little cafe then I walked around the Indiana side of the bridge for a bit to drink it.
It's a very nice area.
Little shops and restaurants - just a chill place to wander around and enjoy.

I walked over to the rivers edge - had a good view of the bridge I'd just crossed.

Some of the nice homes I'd seen on this side from the bridge.

The porch on this one with all that comfy furniture looked so inviting.

This place looked huge.

Time to head back.
Some of the bands had started performing so I got to hear the a bit and they sounded great.
I decided to get a little bit of running in and ran back across the bridge.
It was tough because it was soooo hot but I did it.

My feet started hurting and I was hot and sweaty and I needed to use the washroom really badly so the walk back to the hotel felt like torture.
Jason texted that he was ready for me to pick him up but I just had to get a quick shower in first - I felt so bad for making him wait a few extra minutes but he said he'd be good.

I did go and pick him up after I got myself all fixed up - he wanted to get a shower in too back at the room and when he was done, we decided to go to get a bite to eat.

On the walk over, we saw another themed horse.

Random art.

The KFC Center.


We tried another Goodall Country Kitchen recommendation - this time it was my pick because I am a biscuit lover to the extreme.

Biscuit Belly

There are several biscuit belly locations, we just picked the one that was nearest to us.

I had a fancy coffee.

I ordered some Bonuts for us to share.

Biscuit donut holes, cinnamon sugar with bourbon cream cheese frosting.

Yum Yum

Then I ordered 

Jason ordered

I wore one of my new tops today and I got lots of comments on it.

I like the G.O.A.T. sandwich that I got but it didn't scratch my biscuit itch so I just ordered a plain biscuit and had it with just jam and butter and that hit the spot for sure.
I could have honestly eaten another.

Jason wanted to check out the Muhammad Ali center so that's where we went next.

The freeway runs right behind it.
Underneath this was where we walked last night.

I'm not a lover of boxing and I didn't really know anything at all about Muhammad Ali except that he was a boxer.

Taking it all in.

I learned a lot about him at the center.
He was extremely determined and disciplined.

That robe looks like something Elvis would have worn.

He made lots of funny expressions and faces.

Shadow boxing....literally.

We both tried the punching bag - It was tough to get the proper rhythm and keep it going.

There were lots of his quotes around - he was a clever, funny guy.

Olympic gold medal that he won.

Lighting the Olympic flame.

He was quite the man and very beloved by so many.

He led such an interesting life, I'm so glad I came and learned about him.

"I am the Greatest. I said that even before I knew I was" ~Muhammad Ali
Love it.
If you believe it, it's true!

The doors to the elevator in the center.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

We checked out the gift shop before we left - I love this shirt.
We didn't get anything.

Graffiti on a wall across from the center.

This is the outside of the center - It's architecturally interesting.

There is a park area at the top of the stairs right outside the entrance to the center too.

We happened upon this rooftop kind of park right next to the center with a fountain wall.

Lots of plants and trees.

This tree had these big poofy blooms.

Looking back at the city.

Another themed horse.

We walked back over the Big Four Bridge to Indiana.

The fair was still going on so we stood on the bridge and listened to the bands a bit then just walked around the neighborhood.

Stopped at Red Yeti for a bite to eat.

The Yeti they have out front has a strange body type, very thick legs.

There was outdoor seating so you know that's where we picked to sit.

I look so huge in this picture - wow.

Jason got Buttermilk Fried Chicken.
It came with braised kale with bacon and onion and grits.
It was fantastic.

I had the Steak Frites.
It was a seared ribeye with fries and it had a chimichurri aioli which is what sold me.
However, I kind of didn't think that through because I normally don't like a ribeye, they are too fatty for me and that was the case here, I didn't enjoy it at all.

We wanted ice cream so we asked our waitress and she recommended a spot in Louisville and our table neighbors concurred so off we went.

Back over the bridge.
Jason took a great picture of the flag - It looks great against the evening sky.

The side view of the enormous house I saw this morning.
It really is gigantic - a bit in disrepair but still beautiful.

The sun was getting ready to set.

The spot we went to was Louisville Cream.
They make their own ice cream.

There was a line up but it went quickly so we didn't have to wait long.

Louisville Cream.

We got two scoops each with waffle cones.

We sat on the bench outside of the store to eat our ice cream cones.
It was really great ice cream.

There was a candy store right next to us but it was closed.

This is the Nula area of Louisville or New Louisville.

It was a nice neighborhood, outdoor restaurants, funky art installs.

Mural filled walls.

This statue were outside of a hotel in the area.

The lights on this building looked so cool.

We were both getting tired so we hopped on a couple of scooters and headed back to the hotel.
We rode them a couple times the last couple days and they are so much fun.
Great way to get around a city.

I wish we had more time to explore but we are going to head tomorrow to another spot - we haven't decided where yet - we are going to do some research when we get back to the room.

We saw this on the way back.
Jason really enjoyed his hot brown, he's already looking forward to having another.

Since this really is supposed to be Jason's birthday trip, I told him to pick where he wanted to go for the time we have left here.
I want to go to Memphis so I can see Graceland at some point before we leave but aside from that am pretty open to where ever.

So Jason found a Bally's in Evansville, Indiana and that's where we are going to head tomorrow.
Looking forward to seeing a new place.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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